Jan 3, 2010 · The experiments address the question how specific emotions influence word accuracy. In a first scenario, "emotional" speech recognisers are ...
The results show that emphatic and angry speech is recognised besteven better than neutral speechand that the performance can be improved further by adaptation ...
The results show that emphatic and angry speech is recognised best—even better than neutral speech—and that the performance can be improved further by ...
Abstract This paper describes a system to detect angry vs. non-angry utterances of children who are engaged in dialog with an Aibo robot dog. The system was ...
TL;DR: The results show that emphatic and angry speech is recognised best—even better than neutral speech—and that the performance can be improved further by ...
The automatic recognition of children's speech is well known to be a challenge, and so is the influence of affect that is believed to downgrade performance ...
On the impact of children's emotional speech on acoustic and language models. Author: Steidl, Stefan. Batliner, Anton ; Seppi, Dino ; Schuller, Björn. Keywords ...
The results show that emphatic and angry speech is recognised best—even better than neutral speech—and that the performance can be improved further by ...
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Automatic emotion recognition from speech is a demanding and challenging problem. It is difficult to differentiate between the emotional states of humans.