The purpose of this note is to obtain a lower bound for the Carlitz rank in terms of q and the degree of the difference between two permutation polynomials.
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Mar 23, 2017 · The purpose of this note is to obtain a lower bound for the degree of the difference between two permutation polynomials, analogous to Theorem.
Mar 23, 2017 · More precisely, they showed that if f and f+g are both permutation polynomials of degree d\ge 2 over \Fp, with p>(d^2-3d+4)^2, then the degree k ...
Introduction. For each prime p let Fp denote the finite field of order p . A polynomial f(x) is said to be a permutation polynomial (PP) of the field Fp if ...
In this article, assuming f and f + g are permutation polynomials in Fq[x], we give lower bounds for k in terms of the Carlitz rank of f and q. Our results ...
In this note we provide a significant generalization by proving that, if h is not a constant in Fp and t is the degree of h, then t ≥ 3n/5 and, provided t ≤ n - ...
In mathematics, a permutation polynomial (for a given ring) is a polynomial that acts as a permutation of the elements of the ring.
May 24, 2016 · The difference between permutation polynomials over finite fields. July 1995; Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 123(7):2011 ...
A polynomial f ∈ F q [ X ] is called a permutation polynomial (PP) of F q if the induced mapping x ↦ f ( x ) is a permutation of F q . The study of permutation ...
Jan 1, 2018 · In this article, assuming f and f + g are permutation polynomials in F q [ x ] , we give lower bounds for the Carlitz rank of f in terms of q ...