Oct 6, 2020 · In PPCC, we incorporate the future popularity of contents into our decision making. By learning the popularity of contents, we propose a cache ...
Jan 1, 2020 · To improve the network performance such as access delay and hit ratio, road side units (RSUs) should try to cache more popular contents and ...
Simulation evaluations demonstrate that our scheme is very effective with higher cache hit, lower access latency and higher caching efficiency compared to other ...
This paper presents a caching approach for ICN-based vehicular networks that takes into account both the dynamicity of vehicular networks and the popularity of ...
Popularity Prediction Caching Using Hidden Markov Model for Vehicular Content Centric Networks ; In this paper, our goal is to allow contents to be queried and.
Missing: logistic | Show results with:logistic
PPC predicts and caches the future most popular chunks and evicts those with least future popularity in a linear complexity. Simulations in GEANT model show PPC ...
PPFC utilizes a Collaborative Filtering based Variational AutoEncoder (CF-VAE) model to predict content popularity based on the contextual information of users ...
Missing: logistic | Show results with:logistic
We propose a novel content placement strategy, the long-short-term-memory–content-population-prediction model, to capture the correlation of request patterns.
This study focuses on edge communication in VCNs by firstly organizing a region based classification for vehicular network components including RSUs and ...
Named Data Networking (NDN) is gaining a significant attention in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET) due to its in-network content caching, name-based routing, ...