In this paper, we address the issue by showing that the language restriction can be relaxed so that the refinement process is restricted to infer proofs from ...
Relaxed stratification only concerns the refinement process part of CEGAR. ... Relaxed stratification: A new approach to practical complete predicate ...
This paper addresses the issue of language restriction by showing that the language restriction can be relaxed so that the refinement process is restricted ...
In this paper, we address the issue by showing that the language restriction can be relaxed so that the refinement process is restricted to infer proofs from ...
We show how a proof-based refinement algorithm can be made to satisfy the relaxed requirement and be complete by restricting only the theory-level reasoning in ...
Relaxed stratification only concerns the refinement process part of CEGAR. ... Terauchi, T., Unno, H.: Relaxed stratification: A new approach to practical com-.
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Relaxed Stratification: A New Approach to Practical Complete Predicate Refinement ; 巻: 9032 ; 号 ; 開始ページ: 610 ; 終了ページ: 633 ; 記述言語: 英語 ...
This work presents a practical method of predicate selection that is complete in the above sense, based on interpolation and uses a “split prover”, ...
「Relaxed stratification: A new approach to practical complete predicate refinement」の研究トピックを掘り下げます。これらがまとまってユニークなフィンガー ...