Sep 30, 2020 · Annotated corpora and benchmarks are key resources, considering the vast number of supervised approaches that have been proposed.
In this review, we systematically analyze the resources made available by the community at large, including their development methodology, topical focus, ...
This review systematically analyze the resources made available by the community at large, including their development methodology, topical focus, language ...
In this review, we systematically analyze the resources made available by the community at large, including their development methodology, topical focus, ...
Lexica play an important role as well for the development of hate speech detection systems. In this review, we systematically analyze the resources made ...
Resources and benchmark corpora for hate speech detection: a systematic review. Language: English; Authors: Poletto, Fabio1 (AUTHOR) [email protected]
Lexica play an important role as well for the development of hate speech detection systems. In this review, we systematically analyze the resources made ...
Lexica play an important role as well for the development of hate speech detection systems. In this review, we systematically analyze the resources made ...
Aug 14, 2023 · This paper provides a systematic review of literature in this field, with a focus on natural language processing and deep learning technologies.
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This page catalogues datasets annotated for hate speech, online abuse, and offensive language. They may be useful for eg training a natural language processing ...