A promising way to support software reuse is based on Component-Based Software Development CBSD. Open Source Software OSS products are increasingly available ...
One successful counter-example is the FFmpeg multimedia project; several of its components are widely and consistently reused in other OSS projects. Documented ...
Reuse of software components is one of the most promising practices of software engineering (Basili & Rombach, 1991). Enhanced productivity (as less code needs ...
It is argued that FFmpeg is a successful project that provides an excellent exemplar of a reusable library of OSS components that is reused in more than 140 ...
Jul 1, 2011 · One successful counter-example is the FFmpeg multimedia project; several of its components are widely and consistently reused in other OSS ...
A promising way of software reuse is Component-Based Software Development (CBSD). There is an increasing number of OSS products available that can be freely ...
A promising way of software reuse is Component-Based Software Development (CBSD). There is an increasing number of OSS products available that can be freely ...
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One successful counter-example is the FFmpeg multimedia project; several of its components are widely and consistently reused in other OSS projects. Documented ...
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Exploiting the enormous amount of open source software (OSS) as a vehicle for reuse is a promising opportunity for software engineers.
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