The two-phase capture-the-flag differential game considers a Defender and its opponent, an Attacker. In Phase I the Attacker aims at capturing the flag.
In this paper the Attacker's and Defender's optimal state-feedback strategies in each one of the players' winning regions are obtained and the analytical ...
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Recently several attractive reach-avoid games on specific regions were analyzed. The work in [21] revisited the Capture-the-Flag differential game in convex ...
In this paper, we present a framework for analyzing and solving a two-player capture-the-flag game as a zero-sum differential game. Our problem formulation ...
In this paper, we derive a comprehensive hybrid system representation for capture-the-fag games and a corresponding zero-sum game formulation.
This paper presents a framework for analyzing and solving a two-player capture-the-flag game as a zero-sum differential game, using Hamilton-Jacobi ...
In this paper, we derive a comprehensive hybrid system representation for capture-the-fag games and a corresponding zero-sum game formulation.
Aug 5, 2022 · In CTF games, there is one more goal for the attacker, which is required to capture the flag and return to the specified region. Notice that ...
Mar 21, 2023 · This paper presents how to formulate this type of problems as a two-staged differential game and find equilibrium (i.e., worst-case) control ...
Multi-player pursuit–evasion games are crucial for addressing the maneuver decision problem arising in the cooperative control of multi-agent systems.