Abstract. The Seal Calculus is a process language for describing mobile computation. Threads and resources are tree structured; the nodes thereof correspond ...
The Seal Calculus is a process language for describing mobile computation. Threads and resources are tree structured; the nodes thereof correspond to agents, ...
The Seal Calculus is a process language for describing mobile computation. Threads and resources are tree structured; the nodes thereof correspond to agents ...
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We present a new version of the Seal Calculus, a calculus of mobile computation. We study observational congruence and bisimulation theory, and show how they ...
The Seal calculus is a calculus of mobile computations designed for programming secure distributed applications over large scale open networks such as the ...
The Seal calculus is a distributed process calculus in which locations and movement of computational entities are explicit.
As a distributed process calculus with localities and mobility of computational entities, Seal calculus is playing an important role in expressing key ...
Abstract. The issue of this work is how to type mobility, in the sense that we tackle the problem of typing not only mobile agents but also their movement.
B. Blanchet, B. Aziz, A calculus for secure mobility, in: Eighth Asian Computing Science Conference (ASIAN'03), Mumbai, India, Dec. 2003, pp. 188–204.
The Seal calculus is a calculus of mobile computations designed for programming secure distributed applications over large scale open networks such as the ...