In this paper, lower bound and tradeoff results relating the computational power of determinism, nondeterminism, and randomness for communication protocols ...
In this paper, lower bound and tradeoff results relating the computational power of determinism, nondeterminism, and randomness for communication protocols ...
A general technique is described here which allows to prove explicit lower bounds on the size of oblivious branching programs in an easy and transparent way ...
Time-space tradeoffs for branching programs. ... Tradeoffs between nondeterminism and complexity for communication protocols and branching programs.
Feb 12, 2022 · We say such a nondeterministic protocol computes f if for all (x,y)∈X×Y we have f(x,y)=1 if and only if there is some possible choice of vertex ...
Missing: Programs. | Show results with:Programs.
Tradeoffs between nondeterminism and complexity for communication protocols and branching programs. Proceedings of 17th STACS, LNCS 1770, Springer (2000), pp ...
We obtain the first non-trivial time–space tradeoff lower bound for func- tions f: {0, 1}n Q {0, 1} on general branching programs by exhibiting a.
We prove general lower bounds on the amount of randomness used in randomized protocols for computing a functionf, the input of which is split between two ...
Sauerhoff, Tradeoffs between nondeterminism and complexity for communication protocols and branching programs, in Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on ...
Sauerhoff, Tradeoffs between nondeterminism and complexity for communication protocols and branching programs, in: Proceedings of 17th STACS, LNCS 1770 ...