Like filled pauses, gestures could also serve as pragmatic signals, commenting on the speaker's difficulty with presenting an utterance (Clark, 1996). People may be more likely to gesture when they are disfluent, compared to when they are fluent, because gestures can comment on problems with presenting an utterance.
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According to an influential answer to this question, people gesture when they are disfluent because gestures facilitate speech production (Krauss & Hadar, 1999) ...
Jun 11, 2024 · People may gesture when their speech is disfluent because gestures serve as a pragmatic signal, telling the listener that the speaker is having problems with ...
Why do people gesture more during disfluent speech? A pragmatic account. ... People are more likely to gesture when their speech is disfluent. Why ...
However, L2 learners are significantly more likely to gesture in disfluency ... Where do most spontaneous representational gestures actually occur with respect to ...
Jun 24, 2022 · According to an influential answer to this question, people gesture when speaking is difficult because gestures facilitate speech production – ...
1.1 A pragmatic account of why people gesture during disfluent ... people should be likely to gesture more during disfluent speech whether or not their gestures.
Jun 1, 2018 · Yet, it is a common assumption that speakers use gestures to compensate for their expressive difficulties, a notion found in developmental ...
People are more disfluent in their second language (L2) than their first language (L1). Gesturing facilitates cognitive processes, including speech production.
Sep 20, 2019 · There is some evidence that hand gestures can alter the prosodic and spectral properties of the speech they co-occur with. Krahmer and Swerts ( ...