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Francesco Sansovino

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Francesco Tatti da Sansovino (1521–1586) yito tawugota sarjana wawu sastrawan Italia.

Quella guerra è giusta ch’ è necessaria : e quelle armi sono pie, nelle quali non resta altra speranza che nelle dette armi.
Translation : That war is just which is necessary, and those arms are righteous wherein reposes no other hope save in the arms themselves.
Tarjamah : " Perang boyito memangi paraluwolo, wawu senjata-senjata boyito yito senjata u banari wawu dila woluwo harapan uwewoliyo mao ngopohiya lo senjata yito lohilawo."
  • Translation reported in Harbottle's Dictionary of quotations French and Italian (1904), p. 403.
    • Tarjamah yilaporiyaliyo todelomo Kamus lumadu Harbottle Prancis wawu Italia (1904), hal. 403.