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Glory (Film)

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Ohiya neraka timogoliyo!

Glory botiye film tawunu 1989 sisilita resimen sukarelawan ulemulo nga'amila tingoliyo moyitomo batanga to Perang Saudara AS, timongoliyo to'opateya lotuli harapu lo hilawo lo tentara Union wawu Konfederasi.

Colonel Robert Gould Shaw

  • Good morning gentlemen, I am Colonel Robert Gould Shaw. I am your commanding officer. It is a great pleasure to see you all here today. It is my hope that the same courage, spirit, and honor, which has brought us together, will one day restore this Union. May God bless us all!
    • Lo'oriki lo dulahu tuani, watiya Kolonel Robert Gould Shaw. Watiya komandan limongoli. Gaga mola duhelu'u lobilohu limongoli teya boti. Watiya haharapu japohe, semangat, wawu kehormatan utiya lo pilopasiya ito nga'amila, lombu mola botiye u'oluwo teya malali mo'opogaga persatuan. Barakati lo Eya to ito nga'amila!