%0 Book Section %T Map Specifications and User Requirements %+ Cartographie et Géomatique (COGIT) %+ Laboratoire des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information Géographique (LaSTIG) %+ Institut de Tecnologia Agroalimentaria %+ 1Spatial %A Balley, Sandrine %A Baella, Blanca %A Christophe, Sidonie %A Pla, Maria, M. %A Regnauld, Nicolas %A Stoter, Jantien %B Abstracting Geographic Information in a Data Rich World %E Burghardt %E D. %E Duchêne %E C. %E and Mackaness %E W %I Springer International Publishing %S Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography %P 17-52 %8 2014-02-15 %D 2014 %R 10.1007/978-3-319-00203-3_2 %Z Computer Science [cs]/Artificial Intelligence [cs.AI] %Z Humanities and Social Sciences/Library and information sciencesBook sections %G English %L hal-02280927 %U https://hal.science/hal-02280927 %~ SHS %~ IGN-ENSG