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Maria Alienora Wilkins Freeman

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Maria Alienora Wilkins Freeman.

Maria Alienora Wilkins Freeman (nata Mary Eleanor Wilkins, 31 Octobris 185213 Martii 1930) fuit scriptrix et poetria Americana.

Maria Alienora Wilkins nata est in vico Randolph Massachusettae. Collegium Montis Holyoke (tum Seminarium Muliebre Montis Holyoke) in Hadley Meridiano Massachusettae, unum annum, a 1870 ad 1871 frequentavit. Quia parentes fuerunt Congregationalistae orthodoxi, ei fuit pueritia severa,[1] quam ob causam vis religionis partes primas in nonnullis eius operibus agit. Deinde educationem confecit in Seminario Brattleburgi Occidentalis. Plurimam suae vitae partem in Massachusetta et Monte Viridi degit.

Freeman fabulas et poemata puerilia scribere coepit iam adulescens, ut familiam adiuvaret, et cito felix fuit. Cum amanuensis Oliver Wendell Holmes medici et auctoris facta esset, poemata et mythistorias Novam Angliam maxime commonefacientis scribere coepit. Cum supernaturalia eam tenerent, corpus fabularum brevium confecit quae realismum domesticum cum supernaturalismo miscent, quae auctoritate gravissima fuerunt.

Eius opera notissima inter 1880 et 1900 confecta sunt, cum in Randolph habitaret. Plus quam viginti quinque volumina fabularum brevium et mythistoriarum prolatarum produxit. Praecipue innotuit duobus corporibus fabularum, A Humble Romance and Other Stories (1887) et A New England Nun and Other Stories (1891). Fabulae eius plerumque vitam quotidianam in Nova Anglia tractant, et inter optimas eorum generis sunt. Mythistoria Pembroke (1894) etiam innotuit, capitulumque notabile libro The Whole Family, mythistoriae collaborativae, contribuit (1908). Anno 1902, Carolo M. Freeman, medico Metuchen Novae Caesareae nupsit.

Freeman Aprili mense 1926 facta est prima persona cui nomisma sollemne pro Gulielmo Dean Howells nominatum pro amplitudine in fictione ab Academia Artium et Litterarum Americana concessum est. Mortua est in urbe Metuchen, et corpus in Coemeterio Hillside in oppido Scotch Plains Novae Caesareae sepulta est.

  • Decorative Plaques (1883)
  • The Adventures of Ann (1886)
  • A Humble Romance and Other Stories (1887)
  • A New England Nun and Other Stories (1891)
  • The Revolt of Mother (1891) [2]
  • Young Lucretia and Other Stories (1892)
  • The Pot of Gold and Other Stories (1892)
  • Jane Field (1892)
  • Giles Corey (1893)
  • Pembroke (1894)
  • Comfort Pease and Her Gold Ring (1895)
  • Madelon (1896)
  • Once Upon A Time (1897)
  • Jerome, a Poor Man (1897)
  • Silence, and other Stories (1898)
  • People of Our Neighborhood (1898)
  • In Colonial Times (1899)
  • The Jamesons (1899)
  • Evelina's Garden (1899)
  • The Love of Parson Lord and Other Stories (1900)
  • The Heart's Highway: A Romance of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century (1900)
  • Understudies (1901)
  • The Portion of Labor (1901)
  • A Far-Away Melody and Other Stories (1902)
  • Six Trees (1903)
  • The Wind in the Rose Bush and Other Stories of the Supernatural (1903)
  • The Givers and Other Stories (1904)
  • The Debtor (1905)
  • Doc Gordon (1906)
  • The Fair Lavinia, and Others (1907)
  • By the Light of the Soul (1907)
  • The Shoulders of Atlas (1908)
  • The Winning Lady, and Others (1909)
  • The Green Door (1910)
  • The Butterfly House (1912)
  • The Yates Pride (1912)
  • The Copy–Cat, and Other Stories (1914)
  • An Alabaster Box (1917)
  • Edgewater People (1918)
  • The Best Stories of Mary E. Wilkins (1927)
  • Collected Ghost Stories (1974)
  1. Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, The Norton Anthology of American Literature, ed. 7a, ed. (Novi Eboraci: Norton & Company, 2007), C:625-626.
  2. Haec fabula iterum impressa est in The Independent / Harper's Weekly, 21 Aprilis 1917, p. 172, qui adfirmat eam esse copyrighted anno 1891 ab Harper and Brothers.


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  • Glasser, Leah Blatt. 1996. In a Closet Hidden: The Life and Work of Mary E. Wilkins Freeman. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press. [1]

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