Photo of Ragnhild L�fgren

Ragnhild Löfgren



As an educational director, I work close to the university management and the faculties with a focus on educational issues. I work on developing and implementing overall strategies for education, where Linköping University's model of quality assurance of education is an important and central part. I also contribute expertise, for example regarding regulations for higher education.

I have long experience as a lecturer at LiU and is an associate professor in science education. My research interests concern assessment in compulsory school, with special focus on pupils’ experiences of assessment, grades and performing national tests.



Alma Jahic Pettersson, Lena Tibell, Ragnhild Löfgren (2021) 'The brain needs nutrition': pupils' connections between organizational levels NorDiNa: Nordic Studies in Science Education, Vol. 17, p. 48-63 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Johanna Andersson, Ragnhild Löfgren, Lena Tibell (2020) What's in the body? Children's annotated drawings Journal of Biological Education, Vol. 2, p. 176-190 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Ragnhild Löfgren (2019) Feedback som grund för olika positioner i kemiundervisningen Formativ bedömning: utmaningar för undervisningen, p. 206-223 (Chapter in book)
Ragnhild Löfgren, Håkan Löfgren, Viveca Lindberg (2019) Pupils perceptions of grades: a narrative analysis of stories about getting graded for the first time Assessment in education: Principles, Policy & Practice, Vol. 26, p. 259-277 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Håkan Löfgren, Ragnhild Löfgren, Johan Samuelsson (2018) "Ni blir inte betygsatta… det är lärarna som blir det": En liten berättelse om press och eget ansvar som en del av den stora framgångsberättelsen Berättelser: Vänbok till Héctor Pérez PrietoAnnica, p. 105-115 (Chapter in book)
Kristina Danielsson, Ragnhild Löfgren, Alma Jahic Pettersson (2018) Gains and losses: metaphors in chemistry classrooms Global developments in literacy research for science education, p. 219-235 (Chapter in book) Continue to DOI
Håkan Löfgren, Ragnhild Löfgren, Héctor Pérez Prieto (2018) Pupils' enactments of a policy for equivalence: Stories about different conditions when preparing for national tests European Educational Research Journal, Vol. 17, p. 676-695 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Håkan Löfgren, Ragnhild Löfgren (2017) Motståndskraft i berättelser om betyg och föräldrar Att ständigt bli bedömd: elevers berättelser om betyg och nationella prov, p. 51-65 (Chapter in book)
Ragnhild Löfgren, Håkan Löfgren, Viveca Lindberg (2017) Betygens betydelse: nu och i framtiden Att ständigt bli bedömd: elevers berättelser om betyg och nationella prov, p. 35-50 (Chapter in book)
Ragnhild Löfgren (2017) Betydelsen av att visa upp goda resultat på de nationella proven i NO Att ständigt bli bedömd: elevers berättelser om betyg och nationella prov, p. 125-138 (Chapter in book)