Pāriet uz saturu

Veidne:Tīmekļa atsauce

Permanently protected template
Vikipēdijas lapa
(Pāradresēts no Veidne:Cite web)
Dokumentācijas ikona Veidnes dokumentācija[skatīt] [labot] [hronoloģija] [pārlādēt]

This template is used to cite non-news sources in Wikipedia articles. (See cite sources for general information about citations in Wikipedia articles and see {{cite news}} to learn about citing a news source). This template replaces deprecated template:web reference. It provides lower case parameters only.

A general discussion of the use of templates for adding citation of open-source web content to Wikipedia articles is available at citation templates.


Common forms

Common form (with current date)

{{Tīmekļa atsauce |url= |title= |accessdate=2024-10-24 |work= |publisher= |date= }}

Using last, first and coauthor(s) (with current date)

{{Tīmekļa atsauce |url= |title= |accessdate=2024-10-24 |last= |first= |coauthors= |date= |work= |publisher=}}

Using author (with current date)

{{Tīmekļa atsauce |url= |title= |accessdate=2024-10-24 |author= |date= |work= |publisher=}}

Using non-linked retrieved date, last, first

{{Tīmekļa atsauce |url= |title= |accessmonthday= |accessyear= |last= |first= |date= |work= |publisher=}}

Using non-linked retrieved date, author

{{Tīmekļa atsauce |url= |title= |accessmonthday= |accessyear= |author= |date= |work= |publisher=}}

All parameters

When copying all parameters, in either horizontal or vertical layout, delete those you don't need.

All parameters, horizontal layout

{{Tīmekļa atsauce |url= |title= |accessdate= |accessmonthday= |accessdaymonth= |accessyear= |author= |last= |first= |authorlink= |coauthors= |date= |year= |month= |format= |work= |publisher= |pages= |language= |doi= |archiveurl= |archivedate= |quote=}}

All parameters, vertical layout
{{Tīmekļa atsauce

Required parameters

  • url: URL of online item.
  • title: Title of online item.

For producing a wikilinked date of retrieval:

  • accessdate: Full date when item was accessed, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format, for example "accessdate = 2024-10-24". Must not be wikilinked

For producing a non-wikilinked date of retrieval:

  • accessmonthday and accessyear: Month and day when item was accessed, for example "accessmonthday = May 10", and year when item was accessed, for example "accessyear = 2006". Produces: Retrieved on May 10, 2006.
  • accessdaymonth and accessyear: Month and day when item was accessed, for example "accessdaymonth= 10 May", and year when item was accessed, for example "accessyear = 2006". Produces: Retrieved on 10 May 2006.

Optional parameters

  • author: Author
    • last works with first to produce last, first
    • authorlink works either with author or with last & first to link to the appropriate wikipedia article. Does not work with URLs.
    • coauthors: allows additional authors
  • date: Full date of publication, preferably in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format, e.g. 2006-02-17. Must not be wikilinked
    • OR: year: Year of publication, and month: Name of the month of publication. If you also have the day, use date instead. Must not be wikilinked.
  • format: Format, e.g. PDF. HTML implied if not specified.
  • work: If this item is part of a larger "work", such as a book, periodical or website, write the name of that work.
  • publisher: Publisher, if any—for example if the website is hosted by a government service, educational institution, or company
  • pages: pp. 5–7: first page and optional last page. This is for listing the pages relevant to the citation, not the total number of pages in the book.
  • language: language of publication (don't specify "English" as this is the default).
  • doi: A digital object identifier for the document, such as 10.1038/news070508-7
    • Doilabel: If the doi contains some characters that must be escaped, use "doilabel" for the unescaped version. See {{doi}}: "id" is equivalent to "doi" and "label" is "doilabel"
  • archiveurl: Significant webpages can be archived, in which case this parameter is the URL of the archived copy (requires archivedate).
  • archivedate: Date when the item was archived (requires archiveurl), in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format, e.g. 2006-02-17. Must not be wikilinked; it will be linked automatically.
  • quote: Relevant quote from online item.


Some standard use cases
  • {{Tīmekļa atsauce |author=Doe, John |title=My favorite things part II |publisher=Open Publishing |date=2005-04-30 |work=Encyclopedia of things |url=/proxy/http://www.example.org/ |accessdate=2005-07-06 }}
    Doe, John. «My favorite things part II». Encyclopedia of things. Open Publishing, 2005-04-30. Skatīts: 2005-07-06.
  • {{Tīmekļa atsauce |author=Doe, John |title=My favorite things part II |date=2005-04-30 |work=Encyclopedia of things |url=/proxy/http://www.example.org/ |accessdate=2005-07-06 }}
    Doe, John. «My favorite things part II». Encyclopedia of things, 2005-04-30. Skatīts: 2005-07-06.
  • {{Tīmekļa atsauce |author=Doe, John |title=My favorite things part II |date=2005-04-30 |url=/proxy/http://www.example.org/ |accessdate=2005-07-06 }}
    Doe, John. «My favorite things part II», 2005-04-30. Skatīts: 2005-07-06.
  • {{Tīmekļa atsauce |author=Doe, John |title=My favorite things part II |url=/proxy/http://www.example.org/ |accessdate=2005-07-06 }}
    Doe, John. «My favorite things part II». Skatīts: 2005-07-06.
  • {{Tīmekļa atsauce |title=My favorite things part II |url=/proxy/http://www.example.org/ |accessdate=2005-07-06 }}
    «My favorite things part II». Skatīts: 2005-07-06.
  • {{Tīmekļa atsauce |url=/proxy/http://www.nfl.com/fans/ |title=Digest of rules |publisher= National Football League |accessdate=2005-07-06 }}
    «Digest of rules». National Football League. Skatīts: 2005-07-06.
Non-linking date of retrieval (using accessmonthday and accessyear)
  • {{Tīmekļa atsauce |title=My favorite things part II |work=Encyclopedia of things |url=/proxy/http://www.example.org/ |accessmonthday=July 6 |accessyear=2005 }}
    «My favorite things part II». Encyclopedia of things. Ignorēts nezināms parametrs |accessyear=; Ignorēts nezināms parametrs |accessmonthday=
Using format
  • {{Tīmekļa atsauce |title=List of psychotropic substances under international control |publisher=International Narcotics Control Board |url=/proxy/http://www.incb.org/pdf/e/list/green.pdf |format=PDF |accessdate=2005-07-06 }}
    «List of psychotropic substances under international control» (PDF). International Narcotics Control Board. Skatīts: 2005-07-06.
  • {{Tīmekļa atsauce |author=Joliet, François |title=Honnit soit qui mal y pense |date=2005-04-30 |url=/proxy/http://www.example.org/ |accessdate=2005-07-06 |language=French }}
    Joliet, François. «Honnit soit qui mal y pense» (French), 2005-04-30. Skatīts: 2005-07-06.
  • {{Tīmekļa atsauce |first=John |last=Doe |coauthors=Smith, Peter; Smythe, Jim |title=My favorite things part II |publisher=Open Publishing |date=2005-04-30 |work=Encyclopedia of things |url=/proxy/http://www.example.org/ |accessdate=2006-05-16 }}
    John Doe; Smith, Peter; Smythe, Jim. «My favorite things part II». Encyclopedia of things. Open Publishing, 2005-04-30. Skatīts: 2006-05-16.
No author
  • {{Tīmekļa atsauce |title=My favorite things part II |publisher=Open Publishing |date=2005-04-30 |work=Encyclopedia of things |url=/proxy/http://www.example.org/ | accessdate=2006-05-16 }}
    «My favorite things part II». Encyclopedia of things. Open Publishing. 2005-04-30. Skatīts: 2006-05-16.
No author, no publisher
  • {{Tīmekļa atsauce |title=My favorite things part II |date=2005-04-30 |work=Encyclopedia of things |url=/proxy/http://www.example.org/ |accessdate=2005-07-06 }}
    «My favorite things part II». Encyclopedia of things. 2005-04-30. Skatīts: 2005-07-06.
  • {{Tīmekļa atsauce |title=My favorite things part II |date=2005-04-30 |url=/proxy/http://www.example.org/ |accessdate=2005-07-06}}
    «My favorite things part II». 2005-04-30. Skatīts: 2005-07-06.
  • {{Tīmekļa atsauce |title=List of psychotropic substances under international control |date=2005-04-30 |url=/proxy/http://www.incb.org/pdf/e/list/green.pdf |format=PDF |accessdate=2005-07-06 |language=Greek }}
    «List of psychotropic substances under international control» (PDF) (Greek). 2005-04-30. Skatīts: 2005-07-06.
Using archiveurl and archivedate to refer to items that went away but are available from an archive site
  • {{Tīmekļa atsauce |title=List of psychotropic substances under international control |date=2005-04-30 |url=/proxy/http://www.incb.org/pdf/e/list/green.pdf |format=PDF |accessdate=2005-07-06 |archiveurl=/proxy/http://www.archive.org/2005-09-11/www.incb.org/pdf/e/list/green.pdf |archivedate=2005-09-11 }}
    «List of psychotropic substances under international control» (PDF). 2005-04-30. Arhivēts no oriģināla, laiks: 2005-09-11. Skatīts: 2005-07-06.
  • {{Tīmekļa atsauce |url=/proxy/http://joanjettbadrep.com/cgi-bin/fullStory.cgi?archive=currnews&story=20060405-01shore.htm |title=Interview with Maggie Downs |date=2006-03-31 |publisher=The Desert Sun |archiveurl=/proxy/ |archivedate=2006-04-26 }}
    «Interview with Maggie Downs». The Desert Sun. 2006-03-31. Arhivēts no oriģināla, laiks: 2006-04-26.
Using quote
  • {{Tīmekļa atsauce |title=My favorite things part II |work=Encyclopedia of things |url=/proxy/http://www.example.org/ |accessdate=2005-07-06 |quote=Lorem ipsum dolor. }}
    «My favorite things part II». Encyclopedia of things. Skatīts: 2005-07-06. Lorem ipsum dolor.
Omitting the title in error
  • {{Tīmekļa atsauce |work=Encyclopedia of things |url=/proxy/http://www.example.org/ |accessdate=2005-07-06 |quote=Lorem ipsum dolor. }}
    Encyclopedia of things http://www.example.org/. Skatīts: 2005-07-06. Lorem ipsum dolor. Tukšs vai neesošs |title=

Formatē atsauci uz tīmekļa vietni, izmantojot tādu norādīto informāciju kā URL un nosaukums.

Veidnes parametri[Labot TemplateData]

Šai veidnei parametrus pieņemts izmantot vienā rindā.


Tīmekļa lapas URL, kur var atrast publikācijas tekstu. Jānorāda arī protokols, piemēram, "/proxy/https://..."


Lapas nosaukums; tiks attēlots pēdiņās. Parasti atrodams pārlūka loga augšpusē. Nav tas pats, kas tīmekļa vietnes nosaukums.

Uzvārdslast last1 author author1 author1-last author-last surname1 author-last1 subject1 surname author-last subject

The surname of the author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional authors

Īss tekstsieteicams
Vārdsfirst given author-first first1 given1 author-first1 author1-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional authors

Īss tekstsieteicams
Autora saiteauthorlink author-link subjectlink subject-link authorlink1 author-link1 author1-link subjectlink1 author1link subject-link1 subject1-link subject1link

Esošas Vikipēdijas lapas par autoru nosaukums; var pielikt ciparu beigās, lai pievienotu papildu autorus

Lapas nosaukumsneobligāts
Last name 2last2 author2

The surname of the second author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink2'.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
First name 2first2

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the second author; don't wikilink.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
Author link 2authorlink2 author2-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the second author.

Lapas nosaukumsneobligāts

Izdevējs nosaukums, var likt vikisaiti. Vairumā gadījumu nevajag likt gan "Izdevējs", gan "Tīmekļa vietne".

Editor last nameeditor-last editor1-last editor editors

The surname of the editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor-link'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional editors.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
Editor first nameeditor-first editor1-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor-link'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional editors; alias of 'editor1-first'

Īss tekstsneobligāts
Editor linkeditor-link editor1-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the editor; can suffix with a numeral to add additional editors

Lapas nosaukumsneobligāts
Editor last name 2editor2-last editor2

The surname of the second editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor2-link'.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
Editor first name 2editor2-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the second editor; don't wikilink.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
Editor link 2editor2-link editor2link editorlink2

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the second editor.

Lapas nosaukumsneobligāts
Tīmekļa vietnewebsite work

Tīmekļa vietnes nosaukums, var likt vikisaiti, tiks attēlota kursīvā. Vairumā gadījumu nevajag likt gan "Tīmekļa vietne", gan "Izdevējs".

URL apskates datumsaccess-date accessdate

Datums, kad URL tika apskatīts; nevajag likt vikisaiti

Avota datumsdate

Datums, kad avots tika publicēts; ja nav zināms, jāizmanto "URL apskates datums"; nevajag likt vikisaiti

Sērijas identifikatorsseries

Series identifier when the source is part of a series, such as a book series or a journal


Pages in the source that support the content (not an indication of the number of pages in the source; displays after 'pp.'


Digital Object Identifier; begins with '10.'


PubMed Center article number


PubMed Unique Identifier


Online Computer Library Center number


Used to record other (non-author) contributions to the work, such as 'Illustrated by John Smith' or 'Translated by John Smith'. Only one ''others'' parameter is allowed: e.g., 'Illustrated by Jane Doe; Translated by John Smith'


Valoda, kurā rakstīts avots, ja tā nav latviešu valoda; jāraksta pilns valodas nosaukums, neizmantot ikonas vai veidnes

Last name 3last3 author3

The surname of the third author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink3'.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
First name 3first3

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the third author; don't wikilink.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
Author link 3authorlink3 author3-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the third author.

Lapas nosaukumsneobligāts
Last name 4last4 author4

The surname of the fourth author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink4'.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
First name 4first4

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the fourth author; don't wikilink.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
Author link 4authorlink4 author4-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the fourth author.

Lapas nosaukumsneobligāts
Last name 5last5 author5

The surname of the fifth author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink5'.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
First name 5first5

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the fifth author; don't wikilink.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
Author link 5authorlink5 author5-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the fifth author.

Lapas nosaukumsneobligāts
Last name 6last6 author6

The surname of the sixth author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink6'.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
First name 6first6 author6-link

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the sixth author; don't wikilink.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
Author link 6authorlink6

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the sixth author.

Lapas nosaukumsneobligāts
Last name 7last7 author7

The surname of the seventh author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink7'.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
First name 7first7

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the seventh author; don't wikilink.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
Author link 7authorlink7 author7-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the seventh author.

Lapas nosaukumsneobligāts
Last name 8last8 author8

The surname of the eighth author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink8'.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
First name 8first8

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the eighth author; don't wikilink.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
Author link 8authorlink8 author8-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the eighth author.

Lapas nosaukumsneobligāts
Last name 9last9 author9

The surname of the ninth author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink9'. If nine authors are defined, then only eight will show and 'et al.' will show in place of the last author.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
First name 9first9

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the ninth author; don't wikilink.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
Author link 9authorlink9 author9-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the ninth author.

Lapas nosaukumsneobligāts
Editor last name 3editor3-last editor3

The surname of the third editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor3-link'.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
Editor first name 3editor3-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the third editor; don't wikilink.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
Editor link 3editor3-link editor3link editorlink3

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the third editor.

Lapas nosaukumsneobligāts
Editor last name 4editor4-last editor4

The surname of the fourth editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor4-link'.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
Editor first name 4editor4-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the fourth editor; don't wikilink.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
Editor link 4editor4-link editor4link editorlink4

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the fourth editor.

Lapas nosaukumsneobligāts
Editor last name 5editor5-last editor5

The surname of the fifth editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor5-link'.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
Editor first name 5editor5-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the fifth editor; don't wikilink.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
Editor link 5editor5-link editor5link editorlink5

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the fifth editor.

Lapas nosaukumsneobligāts
Editor last name 6editor6-last editor6

The surname of the sixth editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor6-link'.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
Editor first name 6editor6-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the sixth editor; don't wikilink.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
Editor link 6editor6-link editor6link editorlink6

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the sixth editor.

Lapas nosaukumsneobligāts
Editor last name 7editor7-last editor7

The surname of the seventh editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor7-link'.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
Editor first name 7editor7-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the seventh editor; don't wikilink.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
Editor link 7editor7-link editor7link editorlink7

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the seventh editor.

Lapas nosaukumsneobligāts
Editor last name 8editor8-last editor8

The surname of the eighth editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor8-link'.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
Editor first name 8editor8-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the eighth editor; don't wikilink.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
Editor link 8editor8-link editor8link editorlink8

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the eighth editor.

Lapas nosaukumsneobligāts
Editor last name 9editor9-last editor9

The surname of the ninth editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor9-link'.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
Editor first name 9editor9-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the ninth editor; don't wikilink.

Īss tekstsneobligāts
Editor link 9editor9-link editor9link editorlink9

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the ninth editor.

Lapas nosaukumsneobligāts