Capped binary boundary codes for fusenes, only the maximal representatives of each equivalence class obtained by rotating.

%I #16 Jun 11 2015 08:23:54

%S 1,127,2014,7918,31606,32122,32188,126394,127930,128476,486838,503254,

%T 503482,505306,505564,506332,511450,511462,511708,511804,513514,

%U 513772,513778,514540,514804,514936,2012890,2012902,2013916,2021098,2021212,2022124,2025196,2039254,2043610,2043622,2045674,2045788,2046700

%N Capped binary boundary codes for fusenes, only the maximal representatives of each equivalence class obtained by rotating.

%C A258017(n) gives the count of terms with binary width 2n + 1.

%C Differs from A258003 for the first time at n=875, which here contains a(875) = 131821024 the smallest polyhex (26 edges, six hexes) where two hexes (at the opposite ends of a coiled pattern) meet to touch each other.

%C This pattern is isomorphic to benzenoid [6]Helicene (up to chirality, see the illustrations at Wikipedia-page).

%C Note that here, in contrast to "Boundary Edges Code for Benzenoid Systems" (see links at A258012), if a fusene has no bilateral symmetry then both variants of the corresponding one-sided fusene (their codes) are included in this sequence, the other obtained from the other by turning it over.

%H Antti Karttunen, <a href="/A258013/b258013.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..875</a>

%H Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, <a href="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Fusene.html">Fusene</a>

%H Wikipedia, <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helicene">Helicene</a>

%Y Subsequences: A258003, A258015.

%Y Intersection of A257250 and A258012.

%Y Cf. A258014 (same codes without the most significant bit).

%Y Cf. also A258017.

%K nonn,base

%O 0,2

%A _Antti Karttunen_, May 31 2015