Addition table of A338012, read by antidiagonals.

%I #15 Oct 09 2020 03:36:55

%S 0,3,3,4,6,4,10,7,7,10,18,13,8,13,18,23,21,14,14,21,23,34,26,22,20,22,

%T 26,34,55,37,27,28,28,27,37,55,67,58,38,33,36,33,38,58,67,93,70,59,44,

%U 41,41,44,59,70,93,95,96,71,65,52,46,52,65,71,96,95

%N Addition table of A338012, read by antidiagonals.

%H Peter Kagey, <a href="/A338015/b338015.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10011</a> (first 141 antidiagonals, flattened)

%e Addition table begins:

%e + | 0 3 4 10 18 23 34 55 67

%e -----+-------------------------------

%e 0 | 0 3 4 10 18 23 34 55 67

%e 3 | 3 6 7 13 21 26 37 58 70

%e 4 | 4 7 8 14 22 27 38 59 71

%e 10 | 10 13 14 20 28 33 44 65 77

%e 18 | 18 21 22 28 36 41 52 73 85

%e 23 | 23 26 27 33 41 46 57 78 90

%e 34 | 34 37 38 44 52 57 68 89 101

%e 55 | 55 58 59 65 73 78 89 110 122

%e 67 | 67 70 71 77 85 90 101 122 134

%Y Cf. A338012, A338014 (by rows), A338017 (multiplication table).

%Y Cf. A337660, A337973.

%K nonn,tabl

%O 1,2

%A _Peter Kagey_, Oct 06 2020