# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a055623 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A055623 #27 Oct 30 2022 18:19:59 %S A055623 5,13,89,389,2593,12401,77069,262897,11593,373649,766261,3358169, %T A055623 12204889,18256561,23048897,12270077,297387757,310523021,297779117, %U A055623 3670889597,5344989829,1481666377,2572421893,1113443017,121117598053,84676452781,790457451349,3498519134533,689101181569,3289884073409 %N A055623 First occurrence of run of primes congruent to 1 mod 4 of exactly length n. %C A055623 The term "exactly" means that before the first and after the last terms of the run, the next primes are not congruent to 1 modulo 4. %C A055623 Carlos Rivera's Puzzle 256 includes Jack Brennen's a(29) starting at 689101181569 to 689101182437 and asks if anyone can break that 1999 record. %H A055623 J. K. Andersen, Consecutive Congruent Primes. %H A055623 Carlos Rivera's Prime Puzzles and Problems Connection, Puzzle 256, Jack Brennen old records %F A055623 Compute sequence of primes congruent to 1 mod 4. When first occurrence of run of exactly length n is found, add first prime to sequence. %e A055623 a(3)=89 because here n=3 and 89 is the start of a run of exactly 3 consecutive primes congruent to 1 mod 4. %e A055623 n=3: 83, 89, 97, 101, 103 are congruent to 3, 1, 1, 1, 3 modulo 4. So a(3) = 89. %e A055623 a(33) = 3278744415797. - _Jens Kruse Andersen_, May 29 2006 %t A055623 nn = 10; t = Table[0, {nn}]; found = 0; p = 1; cnt = 0; While[found < nn, p = NextPrime[p]; If[Mod[p, 4] == 1, cnt++, If[0 < cnt <= nn && t[[cnt]] == 0, t[[cnt]] = NextPrime[p, -cnt]; found++]; cnt = 0]]; t (* _T. D. Noe_, Jun 21 2013 *) %Y A055623 Cf. A055624, A055626. %K A055623 nonn %O A055623 1,1 %A A055623 _Labos Elemer_, Jun 05 2000 %E A055623 Corrected and extended by _Reiner Martin_, Jul 18 2001 %E A055623 More terms from _Jens Kruse Andersen_, May 29 2006 %E A055623 Edited by _N. J. A. Sloane_, Jun 01 2006 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE