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Prof. Arnon Karnieli

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Prof. Arnon Karnieli (Mail) received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Arizona, ‎Tucson, in 1988. Since then, he has been the Head of the Remote Sensing Laboratory, Jacob ‎Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Sede Boker ‎Campus, Israel. His main research is focused on the processing of spaceborne, airborne, and ‎ground spectroscopic data of drylands concerning desertification and climate change ‎processes. In this regard, his study’s applications cover dryland ecosystems and agriculture, ‎and to a lesser extent dust/aerosols and coastal water. In 2013, Prof. Karnieli was ranked ‎among the top 20 researchers in the world in the field of remote sensing discipline by the ‎Scientometrics journal (https://DOI 10.1007/s11192-012-0918-z). In 2020 Prof. Karnieli ‎was ranked by PLOS Biology among the top 2% scientists worldwide ‎‎(https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3000384) Prof. Karnieli is the Israeli Principal ‎Investigator of the recreantly launched Vegetation and Environmental New Micro Spacecraft ‎‎(VENμS) mission. Until recently, Prof. Karnieli supervised tens of master students, 15 ‎Ph.D. students, and several post-docs. Prof. Karnieli has published more than 190 papers in ‎peer-reviewed journals. His H index = 4‎‏3‏‎ (ISI).‎

Research Keywords & Expertise

land use / land cover ...
Spatial Analisys
Remote Sensing
Time series analyses
Desertification and Dr...


Remote Sensing
land use / land cover change

Short Biography

Prof. Arnon Karnieli (Mail) received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Arizona, ‎Tucson, in 1988. Since then, he has been the Head of the Remote Sensing Laboratory, Jacob ‎Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Sede Boker ‎Campus, Israel. His main research is focused on the processing of spaceborne, airborne, and ‎ground spectroscopic data of drylands concerning desertification and climate change ‎processes. In this regard, his study’s applications cover dryland ecosystems and agriculture, ‎and to a lesser extent dust/aerosols and coastal water. In 2013, Prof. Karnieli was ranked ‎among the top 20 researchers in the world in the field of remote sensing discipline by the ‎Scientometrics journal (https://DOI 10.1007/s11192-012-0918-z). In 2020 Prof. Karnieli ‎was ranked by PLOS Biology among the top 2% scientists worldwide ‎‎(https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3000384) Prof. Karnieli is the Israeli Principal ‎Investigator of the recreantly launched Vegetation and Environmental New Micro Spacecraft ‎‎(VENμS) mission. Until recently, Prof. Karnieli supervised tens of master students, 15 ‎Ph.D. students, and several post-docs. Prof. Karnieli has published more than 190 papers in ‎peer-reviewed journals. His H index = 4‎‏3‏‎ (ISI).‎