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Childcare at Schloss Dagstuhl

Schloss Dagstuhl wishes to support parents who would otherwise not be able to attend our events due to a lack of childcare opportunities at home.

We offer the following, mutually exclusive, childcare alternatives:

  • Guests are welcome to bring a caregiver of their choice (spouse, relative). This person receives free room and board and is accommodated in a room together with the child and parent(s).
  • Qualified childcare (for children below the age of 12) provided by our nanny. For Dagstuhl Seminars and Perspectives Workshops, the fee per family for up to 2 children is 100 euro for the whole seminar (60 euro for 3-day seminars). Note that for newly booked childcare for events taking place after January 1, 2025, the fee per family for up to 2 children will be 150 euro for the whole seminar (90 euro for 3-day seminars).

Please note that our capacities for childcare are limited. Therefore, we ask that you only use our childcare if it is otherwise not possible to attend the seminar. This helps to avoid someone else not being able to attend because our capacity for the needed childcare has already been exhausted. Thus, if you are bringing a child and an adult partner or companion (that is not a seminar participant), it is assumed that the adult will be the child's caregiver and you will not be eligible for childcare by our nanny.

Experience has shown that Schloss Dagstuhl is not suitable for a family holiday. Our centre is located in a remote, rural area and far away from any leisure facilities, which would be of interest to older children. We recommend that accompanying families find accommodation elsewhere, e.g., near Bostalsee:


We offer childcare from 9 am to 12 pm and from 2 to 6 pm. On Wednesdays and Fridays, childcare is available only before noon. We kindly ask parents to collect their children promptly.


Schloss Dagstuhl makes an effort to provide a secure, friendly and warm environment for the children while meeting the seminar participants‘ need for quiet and focus at the same time. The following rooms are open for the children:

  • Their parents‘ room
  • The lounge on the 2nd floor of the main building, which serves as a playroom
  • The outdoor area around Schloss Dagstuhl (verandah, garden, fields) located in the quiet, rural surroundings with trees and gentle hills

At the beginning of your stay, our nanny will ask you for your preferences regarding rooms and activities.


We offer the following facilities for our little guests:

  • Age-appropriate toys, board games, tricycle, craft materials, crayons and paper
  • 2 cots, 1 bed for older children, tub, highchairs, electric kettles, changing mat and nappy bucket

We cannot provide baby monitors on site, so please bring your own if necessary.

Children’s Meals at Schloss Dagstuhl

We kindly ask you to collect your child promptly for meals at 12 and 6 pm. There are highchairs available in the dining room so that your child can sit next to you. You can take your child to the nanny again after lunch at 2 pm.

Please bring your own bottle feed if needed. Upon request, we are happy to provide an electric kettle in you room.

Our kitchen team will gladly prepare meals for your child upon request. Please inform us about your preferences regarding your child’s diet prior to the seminar or upon arrival at our centre.

A Typical Day for Children at Schloss Dagstuhl

On the first seminar day, please be at reception at 8.45 am. A staff member will take you to our nanny. Later that day and on the following days, you can take your child there directly. In an introductory conversation, you can discuss important details such as meal- or naptimes, activities etc.

Your child’s day depends on his/her age and your individual wishes:

Babies Younger Than 1 Year

The focus lies on satisfying your baby’s basic needs and providing a caring environment. Meal- and naptimes are agreed upon with you. Playing as well as going for walks in the rural surroundings is part of the daily routine. Looking after such small children in the parent’s room is probably the preferable option.

Children Older Than 1 Year

Children older than 1 year mostly stay in the lounge on the main building’s second floor. There, we offer age-appropriate play opportunities and creative activities according to the current season (e.g. drawing, etc.). Besides, our nanny will gladly take your child to explore the rural surroundings.

Taking care of more than one child

Our nanny is prepared to look after a few children at the same time, the maximum number depending on age and similar circumstances. If there are any children registrated for childcare other than yours, we will inform you prior to the seminar.

Our Nanny

Elke Hubertus

Elke Hubertus

Elke Hubertus is a trained nanny. In 2013, she finished her training as an approved educational worker for schoolchildren, and she has long-term experience in working with various children’s and youth groups. Aside from her work with Schloss Dagstuhl, she works as a nanny and also supervises afterschool homework and leisure activities at a school in the town of Lebach. As of 2016, Ms Hubertus has been a specialist in crèche pedagogics for children under 3 years of age. Ms Hubertus is married and has a grown-up daughter.

How to register for childcare at Schloss Dagstuhl

It is possible for you to bring along children if capacity allows, but they must generally be registered, booked, and confirmed by Schloss Dagstuhl no later than 8 weeks before the start date of your event, and the same applies to arranging childcare, which also needs to be paid by that time. (If you need to bring a child or arrange for childcare on shorter notice, we will try our best but it will be much more difficult to arrange.)

If you are interested, please contact our staff at the Dagstuhl Office in Saarbr�cken.