Charles Edwards

Charles Edwards currently plays 'Charles Marsden' in Strange Interlude, playing in repertoire at the Lyttelton, National Theatre, to 1 Sep 2013.

Date of Birth?
1st October 1969.

Place of birth?
Haslemere in Surrey.

Did you go to training school, if so which one?
Guildhall School of Music and Drama. Or Mucus and Trauma, as it was known by our year.

Briefly tell us how you became involved with Strange Interlude.
I pestered Simon Godwin to let me be in it.

Briefly tell us about the character of 'Charles' you play in Strange Interlude.
Charlie Marsden is a sexually frozen, rather acidic author of trashy novels who's got a thing for Nina, played by Anne-Marie Duff.

What was your first stage performance?
Professionally, "Blithe Spirit" at Harrogate Theatre. I tripped over the carpet on the first night. But first time on a stage was as Fourth Gingerbread Man in Hansel and Gretel.

What roles would you most like to play?
There are lots but George in "Virginia Woolf" would be good one day.

What's the best advice you've ever received?
For my 21st birthday my grandfather framed Polonius' farewell speech from Hamlet as a gift. "To thine own self be true" is great advice to give to anyone.

What has been your most embarrassing moment?
The Harrogate carpet debacle.

What is the most annoying part about your job?
The most annoying part about my current job is the backstage wifi at the NT. Its name, OpenAccess, is nothing but a cruel taunt.

If you had not become a performer, what might you have done instead?
I'd like to have worked in animation. Or set design.

Favourite after-show haunts
At the moment the backstage bar at the NT.

Who are your favourite actors/actresses/singers/groups
Too many favourite actors. Favourite musician currently Patrick Watson, he's brilliant.

What was the last book you read, and name some of your favourite authors?
I go through spates of reading and then nothing for months; the most recent one included The Last Tycoon by Fitzgerald and Rabbit Run by John Updike. I'm looking forward to Michael Blakemore's new book about his years at the NT.

Favourite TV programs?
Don't watch much TV but recently The Fall was good. My attention span for TV is not huge - there are so many shows that I know I should watch one day; people can't believe I haven't seen them.

Favourite holiday destinations?
Italy, Portugal. Lots of places in this country too. Love the Landmark Trust.

Do you have any hobbies?
Rufus takes up a lot of time. He's a Border Terrier.

Do you have any superstitions?
No, just pre-show routines. Possibly the same thing.

What are your future plans?
After Strange Interlude I'm doing a sitcom by Simon Blackwell called Trying Again. Chris Addison and Jo Joyner play a couple who try to mend their relationship after an affair she has with me.

Originally published on

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