Analysis of the EXI Measurements

W3C Public Working Group Document 20 July 2006

Latest version:
Robin Berjon (Expway) <[email protected]>
Jaakko Kangasharju (Helsinki Institute for Information Technology) <[email protected]>


This document captures the current state of the Efficient XML Interchange Working Group's analysis as we make progress in our evaluation of the candidate formats that were submitted to the group. This document is updated on a very regular basis, more so than documents published within the Technical Reports area are.

A table pointing to the latest available results is permanently available from http://www.w3.org/XML/EXI/test-report.

At this point in time, there are several limitations worth keeping in mind:

Partial list of candidates
Results are not included for all candidates as some are not yet fully ready to be tested.
Partial list of test documents and test groups
The EXI WG gathered a lot of test data for its framework, but not all is included in these preliminary results. This for two reasons. First, not all of the test groups have been through sufficiently careful quality insurance that they can be included meaningfully. Second, the test suite built on the entirety of the content is rather large, and running the tests for all candidates on all of the data takes an amount of time measured in days. During the early stages, while the test framework is being fine-tuned and the last problems with the candidates' integration being fixed, such long run times are impractical. That having been said, the current restricted data set is already representative of a large cross-section of XML as it is used in EXI use cases. Groups for which we have collected some data (but welcome more) include: Ant, DAML, DocBook, MARC-XML, MeSH, NLM, RDF, RosettaNet, RSS, SOAP, UBL, WAP, WS-Addressing, X3D, XBRL, and XPDF.
Partial list of analysis aspects
Of the many aspects of use in analysing an EXI format, only one is currently being reported in this document: compaction. All aspects that are listed as requirements in the XBC Characterization Note will eventually be included. Many do not require the intermission of a testing framework and will therefore be analysed more directly. Test runs have been performed for processing efficiency and for memory usage but they have not yet been sufficiently well reviewed to be published. They are expected to be included soon.

The reason for the limitations above is largely due to the fact that producing a benchmarking framework able to produce fair measurements along a variety of axes and integrating multiple different implementations from as many vendors is a complex and arduous task. However progress is constant and fast, and the objective of this document is to make it publicly available as soon as possible.

Table of Contents

1. Properties of the Test Groups

The test documents can be characterised according to several metrics. A typical metric is document size. Another that can be considered is information density, i.e. the ratio between text and markup in the document. A plot of these two metrics for the EXI test suite is shown below.

Characterisation of the restricted test suite v1

Information density is a metric obtained in the following manner:

  1. gather all character data information items that are the direct children of an element information item
  2. gather all the values of all the attribute information items
  3. sum up the size in characters of the text data gathered in the previous two steps
  4. the information density is the ratio of the the sum in the previous step on the size of the entire document in characters

The above requires checking the Infoset terminology, and the encoding considerations when measuring bytes.

Looking at the plot above, three clusters can be distinguished. The three also exhibit properties that make them interesting as analysis groups. First is the group of loosely structured documents with information density above 50% (which is to say, very little markup compared to the amount of data). There is no need to subdivide that cluster further since prominence of data tends to cause them to all behave similarly with EXI solutions. On the other side of the 50% line are the highly-structured documents. Since these tend to behave differently depending on their sizes, they can usefully be split into smaller documents and larger documents. This cluster is therefore separated into two subclusters on each side of the 10 kilobyte mark. This first metric therefore produces three clusters for information density: High ID, Low ID - Small, and Low ID - Large.

Another axis along which to order the test groups relates to the use cases to which they correspond (either because they map to the same use case, or because the use cases that they map to are similar in terms of the properties that they require). This approach yields five rough categories of test groups, henceforth called Use Groups, that show no overlap:

Scientific information
This covers data that is largely numeric in nature. The use group includes AVCL, GAML, MAGE-ML, Seismic, and XAL.
Financial information
This use group includes cases in which the information is largely structured around typical financial exchanges: invoices, derivatives, etc.. It is comprised of FixML, FpML, and Invoice.
Electronic documents
These are documents that are intended for human consumption, and can capture text structure, style, and graphics. This use group covers OpenOffice and SVGTiny.
Broadcast metadata
The type of information in this use group captures information typically used in broadcast scenarios to provide metadata about programs and services (e.g. title, synopsis, start time, duration, etc.). The use group includes BCAST and CBMS.
Data storage
This use group covers data-oriented XML documents of the kind that appear when XML is used to store the type of information that is often found in RDBMS. It includes DataStore.

2. Candidates Self-assessment

The XBC Characterization document specifies the set of minimum requirements a format must satisfy to meet W3C requirements. The chart below lists all of the candidates reviewed here in the EXI measurements document and shows which requirements each claims to satisfy. It is important to note that at this points the assessment has been performed by the candidate submitters themselves.

Format Fast Infoset FXDI (Fujisu Binary) Efficient XML Xebu X.694 with BER X.694 with PER XSBC
Passes min. bar? No No Yes No No No Yes
MUST Support
Format Fast Infoset FXDI (Fujisu Binary) Efficient XML Xebu X.694 with BER X.694 with PER XSBC
Directly Readable & Writable Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Transport Independence Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Compactness No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
Human Language Neutral Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Platform Neutrality Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Integratable into XML Stack Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Royalty Free Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Fragmentable Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Streamable Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Roundtrip Support Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Generality No Yes Yes No No No Yes
Schema Extensions and Deviations Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
Format Version Identifier Yes No Yes No No No Yes
Content Type Management Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Self-Contained Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
MUST NOT Prevent
Format Fast Infoset FXDI (Fujisu Binary) Efficient XML Xebu X.694 with BER X.694 with PER XSBC
Processing Efficiency DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP
Widespread Adoption DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP
Implementation Cost DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP
Forward Compatibility DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP

Of the candidates reviewed in this draft, two claim to satisfy all the minimum W3C requirements. While any of the formats above could form the basis for a W3C standard, it must be noted that those that satisfy fewer constraints would likely require more modifications than those that already meet the minimum W3C requirements.

Each modification to a format will impact the processing efficiency of the format and may also impact other characteristics, such as compactness. For example, it is possible (but not necessary) that modifications required to meet the W3C compactness requirements may significantly reduce processing efficiency and modifications required to improve processing efficiency may impact compactness. As such, the performance characteristics of each candidate presented in this table that does not meet all requirements illustrate what is possible when certain W3C requirements are not met, but do not illustrate the performance of a format based that candidate modified to comply to the W3C requirements.

It must therefore be noted that analysis of candidates should take into account whether candidates meet all or a subset of the W3C requirements.

3. Compaction Analysis

This section gives a preliminary analysis of the results from the current set of test groups based on the latest runs performed with the candidates that have been submitted.

3.1. W3C Compaction Metrics

Given the many ways in which compression can be achieved, and the fact that some ways are appropriate for some usage scenarios but not for others, candidates are measured in four compaction cases that cover this variety in usage.

In this case the candidate has no access to external information such as a schema or has it but the encoded instances that it produces are still self-contained, and does not perform any compression bases on analysing the document. Typically, simple tokenisation of the XML document is performed.
In this case the candidate does not have access external information such as schema or has it but the encoded instances that it produces are still self-contained, but may perform various document-analysis operations such as frequency-based compression (results are compared against gzipped XML).
In this case the candidate does not perform any manner of document analysis but may rely on externally provided information, typically a schema, and the resulting bitstream may not be self-contained.
In this case the candidate may use methods available in both of the Document and the Schema cases.

The following graphs provide a summary of the compactness results for each of these compaction classes.

Compactness summary: Neither class

Compactness summary: Document class

Compactness summary: Schema class

Compactness summary: Both class

3.2. Analysis based on the information density clusters

This analysis is based on the information density clusters (the number of documents in the cluster is shown in parentheses). The nomenclature used here is described in the EXI Measurements Document section Characterization of Compactness.

Note that the test documents do not divide neatly such that each test group fits entirely into a single cluster, thereby entailing that documents from the same test group frequently belong to separate information density clusters.

High Information Density (16)
As can be expected, for the Neither case candidates mostly stay above the information density of the documents. There are a few exceptions though, in particular one of the GAML documents where all candidates achieve a compactness of one half of the information density. In the Document case, apart from Efficient XML the candidates remain above 90% size in all cases except the GAML document. Efficient XML manages to penetrate the 90% barrier four times in total.
When allowed to use only Schema based compactification, both FXDI and Efficient XML manage to consistently achieve sizes approximately 60% of XML, except for SVGTiny documents where the sizes are between 80% and 90% and for DataStore where the sizes are between 30% and 50%. Apart from the pathological GAML document, the DataStore documents, and the Seismic document, the ratio increases modestly in the Both case.
Low Information Density - Large Documents (19)
Again in the Neither case the candidates remain above the information density, with no anomalies this time. Of the candidates, Efficient XML achieves consistently the best results, with Fast Infoset a bit ahead of the rest. In the Document case, the situation looks somewhat better than with the high density documents, but still the 90% barrier seems a reasonable one. Compared to the others, now Xebu is clearly behind the rest.
Only the densest of documents, in the OpenOffice group, go above the 25% mark with Schema information included but it must be noted that due to schema issues the OpenOffice group results are not entirely consistent. A few cases manage to penetrate even the 10% barrier. In the Both case, FXDI is almost always between 80% and 100%, with Efficient XML managing to mostly go between 70% and 80%.
Low Information Density - Small Documents (33)
In the Neither case we do not see candidates managing to achieve the information density of the documents, even Efficient XML achieves a result above 50% more often than below, and the rest manage to go below 50% only rarely. For the Document case, presumably due to the small sizes, the situation compared to gzipped XML looks better for the candidates, with FXDI and Efficient XML often managing to go below 80%.
In the Schema case, apart from SVG, and XAL, going below 20% is more the rule than an exception. Again, in a few cases the 10% barrier is penetrated. With FixML the ratios are still clearly larger. The Both case does not seem markedly different from the other clusters.

3.3. Analysis based on the use groups

Scientific information
This use group shows very clearly that for instances that for strongly typed documents, especially those that have a high information density (the archetype of which being the Seismic test group), the benefits of being able to rely on schema information are high. For the Seismic test group, candidates yield no compression in the Neither case, and hit the same mark as gzip in the Document case. However in both cases in which schema information is available candidates that use that information manage to reach 40% for Schema, and 85% of gzip for Both (while candidates that don't fail to beat gzip).
Other test groups in this use group, given their lower ID, show much less caricatural results. The dichotomy between candidates that make extensive use of schema information (FXDI and Efficient XML) and those that make much less use of it (Xebu and Fast Infoset) is still very noticeable in many cases but less pronounced. That having been said, despite this use group constituting mostly of strongly typed information, schema information appears to be by no means required for good compression levels, with Efficient XML almost breaking the 5% barrier in the Neither case once, and all candidates except Xebu compressing to 50% of gzip in the MAGE-ML test group. In general the variance of results seems to be a factor of the ability to use schema information and of the ID of individual test cases.
Financial information
While the actual content of the test groups in this use group are related in many ways, the FixML test group stands out in that its XML vocabulary was largely optimised for size already, through extensive usage of attributes and sometimes radical shortening of element and attribute names. This naturally tends to render its information density higher than that of the other two test groups, and this translates directly in the results to lesser compression. FpML is the most structured group (i.e. the one with the lowest ID), and Invoice is closer to FixML with most of its instances as dense as the least dense of the FixML instances. This has effects across all cases, but is most evident in the Neither one where we see FixML in the 70-90% range, Invoice largely around 35-40%, and FpML falling as low as 20% with Efficient XML. It is also visible in the Document case in which candidates often fail to beat gzip for FixML, while they tend to revolve around 80% of gzip for FpML, and succeed in dropping to 75% of gzip for Invoice (albeit with strong disparity between the candidates which is worth further investigation).
When schema information is available a strong dichotomy between candidates that benefit from it and those that don't surfaces. In the FixML test group, the former barely rise above 35% and go down to 20% for Schema and hit in the 30-50% area for Both, while the latter never do better than 55% and go as high as 95% for Schema and for Both do no better than 85% of gzip and are sometimes over the 100% of gzip bar. The dichotomy is less marked for FpML and Invoice with Fast Infoset tending to score in between Xebu and the two others that are typically below 15% with Efficient XML breaking the 5% barrier in one FpML instance.
Electronic documents
In this use group schema results are unreliable since the OpenDocument schema is currently broken while the SVG Tiny one is not available.
For OpenOffice, results tend to be rather regular: globally in the 30-40% range for Neither (with Efficient XML dropping to 20% in one instance) and 80-90% of gzip for Document (with Xebu being larger than gzip). For SVG, the test group is deliberately distributed largely across the information density spectrum, and the results vary accordingly, going down to 45% for Neither in some instances, but with data-intensive documents giving the candidates the greatest difficulty in producing any compression or in beating gzip. It is noteworthy however that cleaning up the SVG documents seems to only benefit Efficient XML (in the Document case).
Broadcast metadata
The schema rift is again visible in the Schema and Both cases, with schema-informed candidates reaching as low as 10% in the Schema case while the others do no better than 45%.
It is interesting to note that in the Neither case candidates are mostly distributed around 65%, but Efficient XML gets close to the 35% bar on one occasion. In the Document case there is a notable difference between Xebu and Fast Infoset on one side that struggle to do better than gzip — failing most of the time — while FXDI and Efficient XML on the other side are mostly in the 80% area (with Efficient XML going to 60%). The latter discrepancy may be worth further investigation since it is independent of the usage of schema information.
Data storage
This use group is somewhat special in that its membership is a single test group. That being said, that test group is somewhat representative of the usage consisting of storing relational database information more or less directly in an XML document.
This use group exhibits a strong variance in information density, and that translates directly to variance in the results for all cases. For the Neither case, in one instance the best result is 45%, while for another it almost falls below 5%. Likewise in the Schema case, with Efficient XML doing as good as 2% in one instance. The variance is attenuated (but still clearly present) in the Document and Both cases since compression dampens the effects of excessive structure, but the candidates still succeed in falling as low as 50% of gzip for Document, and 15% of gzip for Both.

3.4. Analysis based on the XBC compaction metrics in the various classes

Analysis for the Schema and Both case is not currently considered, since ASN.1 PER numbers are not available and they form the basis of the viability comparison. These analyses will be made as soon as those results become available.

All candidates achieve sufficient compactness with all the test documents, except for Xebu with the FixML test group and all candidates with the Seismic test group. This latter is caused by the Seismic test document consisting of a list of floating-point values; without document analysis or schema information there is little that a format can do. A similar case is with some of the SVG test documents, where attribute values contain long sequences of floating point values, but here all candidates achieve a very small amount of reduction.
Apart from a few isolated cases, candidate Xebu does not achieve sufficient compactness throughout the test suite. The FixML set proves problematic here as well: of the four candidates and five documents, Efficient XML achieves sufficient compactness with three and FXDI with one. These are the only cases in which Efficient XML does not hit the mark; FXDI has with four others. Fast Infoset is in the middle of these classes, missing the mark with approximately a third of the test documents.

3.5. Conclusion

It surfaces from this analysis that there are two major influences on the compaction performance of candidates: information density, and limitations on the candidate's ability to exploit schema information (either because none is available, or because the candidate supports less of it). Neither of these is surprising. Since EXI methods normally function by eliminating as much as possible of the structural overhead, they can only work so well in cases in which there is little structure. Likewise, the more information one has about an instance, the better one can compress it.

It is interesting to note though that while in many cases the information density appears to be the compression limit for the Neither case, it is occasionally broken. Also, in the Document case candidates often succeed in doing better than gzip, especially on the smaller documents. Quite naturally, schema information being the means through which the overhead of the lexical representation of typed values is revealed, it is the most evident mean of breaking through the ID barrier.

4. Caveats

As the time of this report, the test suite and some of the candidates still had some outstanding issues that should be taken into account to better understand the analysis. Also, the candidates are not functionally homogenous. These caveats do not prevent a useful perusal of the current results but should be to be taken into account in order to better understand the analysis.

4.1. Schema-related Caveats

Limited schema usage
Some candidates (notably Xebu and Fast Infoset) only make use of schema information in a very limited fashion — largely restricted to knowing the names of elements and attributes in advance – and there is therefore discussion as to whether it is pertinent to cover their analysis in the Schema and Both cases below. (See Candidate-related Caveats.)
Xebu is able to make more extensive use of schema than creating a table of names but it does not do so now. This is because it only supports RelaxNG at this point and the schemata are not yet available in both RelaxNG and XML Schema.
Schema quality
Not all test groups include vocabularies for which complete and normative schemata are available. Further analysis is therefore desirable concerning the impact of using schema or not.
OpenDocument Schema
Due to technical issues with the OpenDocument schema, it is currently not being used to produce the test results. In the real world use case the schema would normally be used.

4.2. Candidate-related Caveats

X.694 with PER
Complete results for this candidate have yet to be obtained. It must be noted that this candidate does not have support for all of the fidelity options, and that some of its results can therefore appear smaller and faster than they would be if it did.
X.694 with BER
Complete results for this candidate have yet to be obtained. It must be noted that this candidate does not have support for all of the fidelity options, and that some of its results can therefore appear smaller and faster than they would be if it did.
X.891 (Fast Infoset)
For the Schema and Both application classes Fast Infoset is not fully optimised to utilise schema:
  1. For the cases where prefixes do not need to be preserved (or in the more general case when a set of sample documents can be utilised in conjunction with schema) further reductions in compactness and processing efficiency are possible.
  2. The use of encoding algorithms or restricted alphabets to convert lexical representations of text content or attribute values to more optimised binary forms that may be faster to process and/or more compact.
The current version is research software, therefore neither the format nor the implementation can be considered to be fully mature.
Efficient XML
The tests are being run using a non-production implementation of Efficient XML designed for evaluating proposed extensions to Efficient XML. It includes support for features beyond the minimum W3C requirements, such as random access, accelerated sequential access and XML Digital Signatures. As a non-production version, it has not been fully optimized and does not achieve the same results as production releases of Efficient XML.
No caveats at this point.
No caveats at this point.
This candidate has not yet been included in the test framework.

4.3. Test Group Caveats

Some candidates are not yet able to preserve DTDs; therefore, DTD preservation has been temporarily disabled so as not to penalise the compactness results of the candidates that can preserve them. It will be turned back on as soon as these issues are properly addressed.
SVG Tiny
The SVG Tiny test group also has the particularity of being present twice: once with the original data and once more with a version of the same information that has been cleaned up. The motivation behind this is simple; many SVG authoring tools include all manners of data in the documents they produce that are by and large useless for the intended applications. Some SVG content publishers will publish the output from these authoring tools directly, despite the noticeable extra cost in bandwidth and processing time, while others will add a clean-up process to the publication. Since many of the documents in the original test group come from authoring tools that produce "dirty" content, and given the fact that there are two ways of publishing such content, the "clean" alternative has been added so that as a whole the SVG data reflects actual patterns of usage.

A. Test Groups Overview

This appendix describes the various test groups that are currently in the test suite. As described in the Abstract, the entirety of the test groups at our disposal has not yet been included in these runs.

The test suite is organised into "test groups". Each group consists of XML document instances pertaining to the same vocabulary, or to a set of related applications of XML. For each group, information is provided on the type of data that it contains, and on the use cases from the XBC Use Cases document [XBC-UC] to which it relates. Additionally, each group is annotated with its fidelity level requirement, the lexical reproducibility typically necessary for the group, from the table in the Efficient XML Interchange Measurements Note, section on the Fidelity Scale.

5.1. AVCL

Autonomous Vehicle Command Language (AVCL) is an XML vocabulary for robot tasking and telemetry reporting. Large floating-point sensor logs are converted into XML documents. Such datasets can be extremely large.
Use cases
Floating Point Arrays in the Energy Industry, Military Information Interoperability, Sensor Processing and Communication
Level 1. The AVCL data model matches the Infoset and has no special document-centric requirements.
Initial assessment
In progress.

5.2. BCAST

BAC Broadcast is a vocabulary defined by the OMA for use in the transport of broadcast metadata, notably electronic service guides for mobile devices.
Use cases
Metadata in Broadcast Systems
Level -1. For the most part, only elements and attributes are required.
Initial assessment
In progress.

5.3. CBMS

DVB CBMS (Convergence of Broadcast and Mobile Services, formerly known as UMTS) is a set of standards aiming at improving convergence between 3G and broadcast services. The samples in the test suite are used for electronic service guides.
Use cases
Metadata in Broadcast Systems
Level -1. For the most part, only elements and attributes are required.
Initial assessment
In progress.

5.4. DataStore

This is a very simple format used to capture and store primitive data.
Use cases
XML Documents in Persistent Store
Level -1. Only relies on elements and attributes.
Initial assessment
In progress.

5.5. FixML

FixML is an application of XML designed by the FIX Technical Community in order to facilitate the exchange of financial information.
Use cases
FIXML in the Securities Industry, Intra/Inter Business Communication
Level -1. Essentially attributes and elements.
Initial assessment
In progress.

5.6. FpML

FpML (Financial products Markup Language) is an XML vocabulary used in exchanging complex financial information.
Use cases
FIXML in the Securities Industry, Intra/Inter Business Communication
Level -1. Essentially attributes and elements.
Initial assessment
In progress.

5.7. GAML

GAML is an XML-based format designed for storing and archiving scientific data from a wide range of analytical instrumentation.
Use cases
Floating Point Arrays in the Energy Industry, Supercomputing and Grid Processing, Sensor Processing and Communication
Level -1. Essentially attributes and elements.
Initial assessment
In progress.

5.8. Invoice

This set of documents was taken from transactions between companies and then obfuscated. It represents typical invoice documents as exchanged between machines both inside and outside companies.
Use cases
Intra/Inter Business Communication
Level -1. Essentially attributes and elements.
Initial assessment
In progress.

5.9. MAGE-ML

The Microarray Gene Expression Markup Language (MAGE-ML) is a language designed to describe and communicate information about microarray based experiments. MAGE-ML is based on XML and can describe microarray designs, microarray manufacturing information, microarray experiment setup and execution information, gene expression data and data analysis results.
Use cases
Supercomputing and Grid Processing
Level 1. An Infoset level preservation is needed at least for the Document Type Declaration.
Initial assessment
In progress.

5.10. OpenOffice

The Open Document Format (ODF) is a set of vocabularies for use within office applications.
Use cases
Electronic Documents
Level 0. Most constructs found in the XPath 1.0 data model are used but none more.
Initial assessment
In progress.

5.11. Seismic Data

The data collected in this test group is representative of the type of data that seismic sensors will transmit over the wire to data centres for later analysis.
Use cases
Floating Point Arrays in the Energy Industry, Sensor Processing and Communication
Level -1. Essentially attributes and elements.
Initial assessment
In progress.

5.12. SVG Tiny

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a language for describing high-quality two-dimensional, interactive, animated, and scriptable graphics. It is increasingly available from Web browsers, and its Tiny profile is the de facto standard for animated graphics in the mobile industry.
Use cases
Electronic Documents, Multimedia XML Documents for Mobile Handsets
Level 2. It is not strictly necessary to preserve all of the internal subset, but SVG is commonly hand-authored (or at least hand-edited after the initial graphics have been created) and it is frequent that the internal subset will be used to define entities for commonly used attribute values as well as to declare some attributes to be of type ID.
Initial assessment
In progress.

5.13. XAL

XAL is a software framework for particle accelerator online modelling software. It makes use of XML descriptions of the devices, such as magnets of various field shapes, beam position monitors, and others, and XML documents of the translation matrices which describe how the beam propagates from one device to another.
Use cases
Floating Point Arrays in the Energy Industry, Sensor Processing and Communication, Supercomputing and Grid Processing
Level 1. An Infoset level preservation is needed at least for the Document Type Declaration.
Initial assessment
In progress.