


这是本页的一个历史版本,由A5948736留言 | 贡献2016年4月10日 (日) 02:28编辑。这可能和当前版本存在着巨大的差异。

根據使用方式,美國本土(英語:contiguous United States)一詞可以代表:


  • 美國連續地區(Contiguous United States)
  • 相接州份(Conterminous states)
  • 下48州(Lower 48 states)(多為阿拉斯加州人使用)


"下 48 (州)"這個詞語是在夏威夷成為美國州份前開始有的說法,但因夏威夷加入了合眾國後,夏威夷成了美國最南的州份,故這個說法變得不十分準確。照字面而言,這字是指最北兩州——阿拉斯加明尼蘇達以外的美國州份。然而,"下48州"更常用於描述不計阿拉斯加夏威夷以外的美國(尤其以阿拉斯加的視角而言)。




  • 在夏威夷,"the Mainland"或"U.S. Mainland"是用來指 美國本土的概念(不論包含阿拉斯加或否)。
  • 在阿拉斯加,"lower 48" 是用來指美國連續的48州。長居該地的人有時會只用"Outside"(外面)代表此概念,例如 "My brother went Outside to have heart surgery"。


As the language of the Alaska Omnibus Act of 1959 makes apparent, the term was in use in U.S. federal law prior to then. It presumably dates from after the acquisition of Alaska in 1867, and probably from after the Spanish-American War and the annexation of Hawaii brought the United States its first off-continent possessions, both in 1898. Whatever else these terms may be, "continental United States" is a term defined in various federal laws, in different ways in different time periods; it is also defined in different ways at the same time, depending on whether or not the context was the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, during at least a period that began with Alaska statehood.


The contiguous United States is approximately 2500 miles wide. Shipping by certain U.S. companies is restricted to the contiguous United States to avoid the higher freight charges for shipping to Alaska and Hawaii. However, for packages that fit within weight and size limits, shipping parcel post to Alaska or Hawaii using the United States Postal Service is not higher than within the contiguous United States, so if more U. S. companies were flexible in choosing their shipping vendor they would not need to charge higher rates.

