

 日本   1亿2405万8000人[1](2019年)
平文式罗马字Nihon-jin / Nippon-jin

日本人(日语:日本人にほんじん/にっぽんじん Nihon-jin / Nippon-jin ?)是日本三大民族(大和民族琉球族阿伊努族),以及所有持有日本国籍者的统称。






  • 按国籍分类
    • 日本国民
  • 按地理分类
    • 本来就生活在日本国领土民族
      • 大和族
      • 琉球族
      • 阿伊努族等。
  • 按民族分类
    • 任何以日语作为母语的民族。




  • 大和民族
  • 生活在大日本帝国时代被吞并、目前仍属于日本国版图地区却又未被同化的民族
    • 琉球族
    • 阿伊努族






日本分为三个族群:北海道的阿伊努人(Ainu)、冲绳的琉球人(Ryukyuan),以及人数最多位于本州、四国、九州地区的“本土人”(Mainland Japanese)。而现代三个地方的族群,遗传组成并不太一样,本土人大多比较接近中国北京汉人(HCB),阿伊努人的差异最大,而琉球人介于其间,不过较为靠近本土人。从总体上来看,日本人的祖源来自朝鲜半岛中国大陆萨哈林岛蒙古西伯利亚地区,其中朝鲜族汉族和一些东北亚民族的基因最为接近日本人。[21]日本人为日本岛古土著人群、古通古斯人群、古东南亚人群与来自中国大陆的古中原人群混血而形成。







而在近代,因为有国籍法日语国籍法 (日本)的关系,任何取得日本国籍的外国人都是法律上的日本人。如韩裔日本人(在2017共有371161人[24])、华裔日本人(在2017年共有141668人[24])、巴西裔日本人、美裔日本人、俄罗斯裔日本人、蒙古裔日本人等。










如今日本族群血缘上,至少由三波移民组成。日本的三大人类Y染色体DNA单倍型类群单倍群O单倍群D单倍群C。1.6万年进入绳文时代最早源自东南亚的绳文人,到弥生时代仍然相当有存在感,但是在古坟时代以后降低到9%。公元3000年前进入弥生时代,源自东北亚的移民进入日本,他们遗传上配备大量黑龙江采集狩猎族群DNA ,和绳文人合体成为弥生人,不过绳文血缘仍然超过一半 。到了3世纪进入古坟时代,又有源自东亚的古坟人移民抵达日本,他们遗传配备大量黄河农耕族群DNA,类似现代汉人。他们和日本之前的族群合体,比例超过 60%。古坟时代三款祖源合体的遗传组成,已经和现代日本人一致。从基因学上来看,日本人与东北亚北亚地区民族(如蒙古族)存在一定的基因相似度,日本人同样接近于通古斯民族濊貊肃慎扶余等古东北亚部族均与日本人的基因有紧密联系。[28][29][30][31]



古坟人是古坟时代定居在日本群岛的人类之统称。 在弥生时代之后,有人们来自东亚大陆,他们遗传配备大量黄河农耕族群DNA类似现代汉人。他们携带的基因占现代本州地区人口基因组近70%。他们的平均身高是日本有史以来除现代外排行第一者。从基因学的角度看古坟人的根源(Y染色体单倍群)在石川县金泽市观宝寺町岩出洞墓出土的古坟遗迹(JPIW32)中发现的单倍群O2a2b1a1a1a4a1-CTS5308 它是单倍群O2a2b1a1-M117的一个分支,被认为与汉藏语系有关。日本最初的国家兴起看来和古坟时代大量的东亚移民关系密切,而开始定居、种稻的弥生人,其实DNA有很高比例继承自绳文人。本来以为的“弥生人”,现在看来似乎是“古坟人”才对。




而冲绳的古代冲绳人基因组。样本来冲绳群岛南部,宫古岛的 Nagabaka 遗址。新石器时代晚期的样本,遗传上可以视为100%的绳文人。然而几百年前冲绳居民的绳文基因剩下约20%和现代冲绳的居民平均差不多。至于现代的本州、四国、九州居民则是10%左右。

根据2022年的论文,首度的日本列岛以外见到绳文人的基因。在韩国发现1600年前左右的古代韩国人基因组,他们与对岸日本的绳文人共享部分血缘,但是现代的韩国人完全没有。样本来自朝鲜半岛最南端,金海市(Gimhae)的 2 处遗址。年代为4到5世纪,那时朝鲜半岛处于朝鲜三国时代,当地政治上属于伽倻(Gaya)的疆域。原本以为绳文人是日本限定,但是论文报告指出,朝鲜半岛南部6000年前的居民也有绳文祖源。这回得知至少到1600年前,绳文血缘仍然存在。不过相关人等似乎都没有绳文人的文化特征。如果不看绳文DNA 变异的话,这群1600年前的古早韩国人,和现代的韩国人十分相似;只是现代韩国人都没有绳文DNA,伽倻居民不太可能是现代韩国人的直系祖先。






  n C D NO* N O Q R
C1a1 C2 D1
D1a1 D1a2a O1a1 O1b O2
O-M95 O1b2
O-47z O1b2
(Nonaka et al. 2007)[42]
日本 263 2.3 3.0 0.4 38.8 0.8 3.4 0.8 25.1 8.4 16.7 0.4
(Hammer et al. 2006)[43]
阿伊努人 4 0 25.0 0 0 75.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
青森 26 7.7 0 0 0 38.5 0 7.7 0 0 27.0 3.8 15.4 0 0
静冈 61 4.9 1.6 0 0 32.8 0 1.6 0 1.6 21.3 13.1 19.7 1.6 0
徳岛 70 10.0 2.9 0 0 25.7 5.7 1.4 0 2.9 24.3 5.7 21.4 0 0
九州 53 0 7.5 0 0 26.4 3.8 0 0 3.8 28.3 3.8 26.4 0 0
冲縄 45 4.4 0 0 0 55.6 0 0 0 0 11.1 11.1 15.6 0 2.2
(Sato et al. 2014)[44]
长崎S 300 3.3 5.3 0 30.0 1.3 0 1.0 23.3 10.7 23.7
福冈A 102 5.9 7.8 0 33.3 1.0 2.0 0 26.5 8.8 10.9
徳岛S 388 5.7 5.9 0 30.6 1.0 1.8 2.1 23.2 10.3 17.8
大阪A 241 6.2 7.5 0.4 31.2 1.7 1.2 0.8 17.8 10.4 22.5
金沢S 298 3.4 6.4 0 32.6 2.3 0 3.7 21.1 11.4 18.5
金沢A 232 4.7 5.6 0 32.7 0.9 3.0 0 18.5 9.5 21.9
川崎S 321 5.6 5.9 0.3 33.0 1.6 0.9 0.3 24.3 10.0 17.8
札幌S 302 4.4 5.0 0.3 33.1 0.7 1.3 0.3 23.2 8.6 20.3
札幌A 206 3.4 7.3 0 35.0 1.0 1.0 1.9 19.9 7.8 19.9
2390 4.7 6.1 0.1 32.1 1.3 1.2 1.3 22.0 9.9 19.7
(Tajima et al. 2004)[45]
阿伊努人(北海道日高 16 0 13 0 88 0 0 0 0
本州 82 5 1 0 37 0 20
九州 104 4 8 0 28 2 24
(Seo et al. 1999)[46]
宫崎 270 35.2
(Shinka et al. 1999)[47]
61 30
99 45
27 4
(Hammer et al. 2006)[43]
朝鲜民族 75 0 9.3 0 0 4.0 0 2.6 2.6 2.7 4.0 33.3 40.0 0 1.3
满族 52 0 26.9 0 0 0 0 5.7 5.7 5.8 0 3.8 38.5 0 7.7
蒙古族 149 0 52.3 0 2.6 0 0.7 8.0 0.7 O1b*=1.3 22.8 2.7 4.0
汉族华北 44 0 4.5 0 0 0 2.3 9.1 0 6.8 0 0 65.9 4.5 2.3
汉族(华南 40 0 5.0 0 0 0 2.5 15.0 15.0 30.0 0 0 32.5 0 0
彝族 43 0 2.3 0 16.3 0 2.3 30.2 0 9.3 0 0 32.6 0 0
苗族 58 0 3.4 0 8.6 0 0 0 6.9 10.3 0 0 68.9 0 0
藏族 105 0 1.9 3.8 46.6 0 0 2.9 0 0 0 0 35.2 0 6.7
台湾原住民 48 0 2.1 0 0 0 0 0 89.6 2.1 0 0 6.3 0 0
(Trejaut et al. 2014)[48]
菲律宾人 40 0 0 0 0 0 4.8 0.7 42.5 3.4 0 15.0 0 4.1
泰国人 75 0 0 1.3 2.7 0 0 0 5.3 42.7 0 29.3 0 1.3
(Hammer et al. 2006)[43]
越南人 70 0 4.3 0 2.9 0 0 2.9 5.7 27.1 2.9 1.4 40.0 7.1 1.4
马来族 32 0 0 0 3.1 0 3.1 0 6.3 34.4 0 0 31.3 0 3.1
印尼各民族英语Ethnic groups in Indonesia(西部) 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20.0 12.0 8.0 8.0 36.0 0 4.0
(Thangaraj et al.2003)[49]
翁奇人 23 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
尼科巴人 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0
(Hammer et al. 2006)[43]
密克罗尼西亚人 17 0 0 0 0 5.9 0 0 11.8 0 0 5.9 17.6 0 0
(Tambets et al.2004)[50]
恩加纳桑人 38 5.3 92.1
凯特人 48 6.2 93.7
(Duggan et al.2013)[51]
雅库特人 184 2.1 94.5 0.5 2.2
尤卡吉尔人 13 30.8 30.8 30.8
(Hammer et al. 2006)[43]
阿尔泰人 98 0 22.4 5.1 0 0 0 4.0 0 0 0 0 1.0 17.3 46.9
布里亚特人 81 0 60.5 0 0 0 0 30.9 0 0 0 0 2.5 0 3.7
鄂温克族 95 0 68.4 0 0 0 0 18.9 0 0 0 0 0 4.2 1.1
鄂伦春族 22 0 90.9 0 0 0 0 4.5 0 O1b*=4.5 0 0 0
(Lell et al.2002)[52]
科里亚克人 27 0 59.3 0 0 0 0 22.2 0 0 0 0 0 18.5 0
楚科奇人 24 0 4.2 0 0 0 0 58.3 0 0 0 0 0 33.3 4.2
尼夫赫人 17 0 47.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11.8 35.3 0




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  21. ^ Encyclopædia Britannica: A New Survey of Universal Knowledge, Volume 2. "The Mongolid (Tungid and north Sinid) strain of the prehistoric Japanese must, to a large extent, be attributed to arrivals from Korea by way of the Tsushima straits, attested to by finds of clay vessels with pointed bottoms and with roller-stamped décor such as were made at Sobatu (north Kyushu)." Encyclopædia Britannica, 1964, p. 264.
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  27. ^ Matsumoto, Hideo (2009). The origin of the Japanese race based on genetic markers of immunoglobulin G页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). "Gm gene composition of the Mongoloid Populations dispersed over broad areas of Asia and North and South America are regarded as Mongoloid characterized by 4 Gm genes, i.e., Gm ag, axg, ab3st, and afblb3. Of particular note are the geno-clines, which are observed for the 2 northern Gm ag and ab3st genes, and the southern Gm afb1b3 gene, in Asia and America. Based on our Gm data, the degree of genetic differentiation between the Mongoloid populations was approximated for our Gm data by using the fixation index (Fst ) of Wright.20) The calculations indicated that the degree of genetic differentiation among the Mongoloid populations concerned was very great and almost equivalent to those of the worldwide differentiation for the Rh and Duffy systems reported by Cavalli-Sforza and Bodmer.21) Furthermore, these results may provide evidence that the differences in Gm gene frequencies, particularly those for Gm ag, ab3st, and afb1b3, are due to factors such as natural selection and gene flow (one gene permeating into another race or nation crossing over the barrier between them from some race or nation) rather than random genetic drift. Thus, it can be inferred from such geographical differences in frequencies of the 3 genes that 2 distinctive Mongoloid populations existed among the paleo-Mongoloid of East Asia in the past. As shown in Fig. 2, the Mongoloid was divided into northern and southern groups. A clear geno-cline was found for the Gm ab3st gene, which is a marker gene for the northern Mongoloid. Namely, the Gm ab3st gene is found at the highest frequencies in the Baikal area, and then flows regularly to the Mongol, Tibetan, Yakut, Olunchun, Tungus, Korean, Japanese, and Ainu still at high frequencies; although the gene frequency decreased markedly from mainland China to Taiwan and Southeast Asia, and from North to South America. The center of dispersal of this Gm gene is considered to be in the Baikal area. On the basis of these Gm findings, the Japanese belong basically to the northern Mongoloid and originated most likely in the Baikal area."
  28. ^ Beckwith, Christopher. Koguryo: The Language of Japan’s Continental Relatives: An Introduction to the Historical-Comparative Study of the Japanese-Koguryoic Languages, with a Preliminary Description of Archaic Northeastern Middle Chinese. Second Edition. Brill. 2007. 
  29. ^ Encyclopædia Britannica: A New Survey of Universal Knowledge, Volume 2. "The Mongolid (Tungid and north Sinid) strain of the prehistoric Japanese must, to a large extent, be attributed to arrivals from Korea by way of the Tsushima straits, attested to by finds of clay vessels with pointed bottoms and with roller-stamped décor such as were made at Sobatu (north Kyushu)." Encyclopædia Britannica, 1964, p. 264.
  30. ^ Weerakoon, R. Mythology & the Early Asian State. "The Yayoi are believed to be of Tungid stock and it is possible that northern mythology percolated to them in the regions of their origin." Community Publications, 1998, p. 137.
  31. ^ Matsumoto, Hideo (2009). The origin of the Japanese race based on genetic markers of immunoglobulin G页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). "This review addresses the distribution of genetic markers of immunoglobulin G (Gm) among 130 Mongoloid populations in the world. These markers allowed the populations to be clearly divided into 2 groups, the northern and southern groups. The northern group is characterized by high frequencies of 2 marker genes, ag and ab3st, and an extremely low frequency of the marker gene afb1b3; and the southern group, in contrast, is indicated by a remarkably high frequency of afb1b3 and low frequencies of ag and ab3st. Based on the geographical distribution of the markers and gene flow of Gm ag and ab3st (northern Mongoloid marker genes) from northeast Asia to the Japanese archipelago, the Japanese population belongs basically to the northern Mongoloid group and is thus suggested to have originated in northeast Asia, most likely in the Baikal area of Siberia."
  32. ^ Sukeyuki M, Kenichi S. The Origins of Japanese Culture Uncovered Using DNA ― What happens when we cut into the world of the Kojiki myths using the latest science. Discuss Japan-Japan Foreign Policy Forum. 2016-06-03 [2019-01-21]. (原始内容存档于2019-01-21). 
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  35. ^ Nonaka, I.; Minaguchi, K.; Takezaki, N. Y-chromosomal Binary Haplogroups in the Japanese Population and their Relationship to 16 Y-STR Polymorphisms. Annals of Human Genetics. 2007, 71 (4): 480–495. ISSN 1469-1809. PMID 17274803. S2CID 1041367. doi:10.1111/j.1469-1809.2006.00343.x. hdl:10130/491可免费查阅. 
  36. ^ Kutanan, Wibhu; Chakraborty, Ranajit; Eisenberg, Arthur; Sun, Jie; Chantawannakul, Panuwan; Ghirotto, Silvia; Pittayaporn, Pittayawat; Srikummool, Metawee; Srithawong, Suparat. Genetic and linguistic correlation of the Kra–Dai-speaking groups in Thailand. Journal of Human Genetics. July 2015, 60 (7): 371–380. ISSN 1435-232X. PMID 25833471. S2CID 21509343. doi:10.1038/jhg.2015.32. 
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  38. ^ Robbeets, Martine; Savelyev, Alexander. Language Dispersal Beyond Farming. John Benjamins Publishing Company. 2017-12-21 [2021-06-12]. ISBN 9789027264640. (原始内容存档于2021-07-11). 
  39. ^ 《从大陆寻找渡来系弥生人的根源-与山东省的共同研究报告》,土井滨遗迹人类学博物馆、山东文物考古研究所,2000年出版
  40. ^ 多贺谷昭《日本人漫长之旅I·由容貌探讨日本人的由来》,NHK出版,2001年
  41. ^ 鹤间和幸著,李彦辉译《始皇帝的遗产》,台湾商务印书馆,2018年。
  42. ^ 引用错误:没有为名为Nonaka2007的参考文献提供内容
  43. ^ 43.0 43.1 43.2 43.3 43.4 Michael F Hammer; Tatiana M Karafet; Hwayong Park; Keiichi Omoto; Shinji Harihara; Mark Stoneking; Satoshi Horai. Dual origins of the Japanese: common ground for hunter-gatherer and farmer Y chromosomes. Journal of Human Genetics. 2006, 51 (1): 47 – 58. PMID 16328082. doi:10.1007/s10038-005-0322-0. 
  44. ^ YOUICHI SATO, TOSHIKATSU SHINKA, ASHRAF A. EWIS, AIKO YAMAUCHI, TERUAKI IWAMOTO, YUTAKA NAKAHORI Overview of genetic variation in the Y chromosome of modern Japanese males. doi:10.1537/ase.140709
  45. ^ 引用错误:没有为名为Tajima2004的参考文献提供内容
  46. ^ Yasuhisa Seo, Yasunari Takami, Tatsuo Nakayama, and Keiichi Takahama, "Y chromosome DNA polymorphisms and their haplotypes in a Japanese population." Legal Medicine (Tokyo). 1999 Sep;1(3):145-9. doi:10.1016/S1344-6223(99)80027-3
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  • 《日本史的诞生:东亚视野下的日本建国史》,冈田英弘著,台湾,八旗,2016。