






源自拉丁語 verbōsus (冗长的,长篇大论的,啰嗦的) + 英語 -ose (指“满是...、像...”的后缀)verbōsus派生自verbum (词语)(最终源自原始印歐語 *werh₁- ())+ -ōsus (指“满是...、过于...、倾向于...”的后缀,用于从名词构成形容词)[1]。等价于verb + -ose





verbose (比較級 more verbose最高級 most verbose)

  1. 冗长的,啰嗦[自17世纪]
    • 1672, W[illiam] P[enn], “To the Impartial Reader”, 出自 The Spirit of Truth Vindicated, against that of Error & Envy; [], [London: [] Andrew Sowle ...], →OCLC頁號 8:
      I omit more than an Hundred Things, that would engage to perſonal Reflection; for my Soul hath no Pleaſure in ſtriving therein, as knowing the inconſiſtancy of that uncharitable virulent Temper with a Chriſtian Spirit, which I am aſſured is quite another Thing, from what is Verboſe, Abuſive[,] Cavilling, Airy, and meerly Notional; [...]
    • Template:RQ:Milton Defence
    • Template:RQ:Lesage Smollett Gil Blas
    • 1840 October, “Art. XI.—Critical Notices. 1.—A Reply to an Attack on Anthon’s Greek Reader, in the North American Review for July, 1840. The Knickerbocker. Extra. New York. 8vo. pp. 11.”, 出自 The North American Review, 卷 LI, 期 CIX, Boston, Mass.: Ferdinand Andrews, [], →ISSN, →OCLC頁號 498:
      We mentioned as another of the faults of Dr. [Charles] Anthon's book, that it exhibited his usual verbose grandiloquence. [...] We objected, for instance, to the lexicon, as loaded with useless words; and we suggested that the probable cause was the desire of procuring for it the appearance of completeness and originality.
    • 1863, Edward W[illiam] Cox, “Letter VIII. Words—Sentences—Rhythm.”, 出自 The Arts of Writing, Reading and Speaking, in Letters to a Law Student, London: John Crockford, [], →OCLC頁號 51:
      So with sentences or the combinations of words. Much skill is required for their construction. They must convey your meaning accurately, and as far as possible in the natural order of thought, and yet they must not be complex, involved, verbose, stiff, ungainly, or tautological. They must be brief, but not curt; explicit, but not verbose. Here, again, good taste must be your guide, rather than rules which teachers propound, but which the pupil never follows.
    • 1942 April, Bernard Fielding, “Crossing the Line”, 出自 Railway Magazine,頁號 103:
      On the Furness section the sign at Grange is as brief—PASSENGERS MUST CROSS BY THE SUBWAY—as that at the next station, Arnside, is verbose: PASSENGERS ARE REQUESTED TO CROSS THE LINE BY THE BRIDGE. IT IS DANGEROUS TO CROSS THE RAILS.
    • 1999, Michael Hyman, Phani Vaddadi, “Dealing with Compiler-generated Code”, 出自 Mike and Phani’s Essential C++ Techniques (Books for Professionals by Professionals), New York, N.Y.: Apress, →DOI, →ISBN, technique 46 (Wrap New to Save Space),頁號 40:
      In modern processors, you pay a bigger performance hit for having verbose code than for having an extra function call because larger code can cause secondary cache hits.
    • 2012, Karen J. Tietze, “Taking Medication Histories”, 出自 Clinical Skills for Pharmacists: A Patient-focused Approach, 3rd版, St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier Mosby, →ISBN頁號 38,列號 1:
      Some patients are especially difficult to interview. Recalcitrant patients, verbose patients, confused patients, patients whose command of the English language is limited, patients with hearing impairments, patients with aphasia, impatient patients, and patients hospitalized in isolation rooms all may be difficult to interview. [...] The best approach for recalcitrant or verbose patients is to exert firm control of the interview and ask directed questions to draw information from the recalcitrant patient and redirect the verbose patient.
  2. (計算機) 详细输出、日志等,常用来做诊断调试
    • 2001, Richard Blum, “Common Postfix Problems”, 出自 Postfix, Indianapolis, Ind.: Sams Publishing, →ISBN, part III (Advanced Postfix Server Topics),頁號 532:
      You should use verbose logging sparingly. Turning on verbose logging for every process would result in log files so large they would become useless.
    • 2009, Kerrie Meyler, Byron Holt, Greg Ramsey [et al.], “Desired Configuration Management”, 出自 System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Unleashed[1], Indianapolis, Ind.: Sams Publishing, →ISBN, part III (Configuration Manager Operations):
      Verbose logging adds extra detail and increases the descriptiveness of the log entries made. Verbose logging also adds one additional client log file that is specific to DCM, SmsClrHost.log, and one management point log file, MP_GetSdmPackage.log.
    • 2015, Andre Della Monica, Chris Shilt, Russ Rimmerman, Rushi Faldu, “Understanding Software Update Architecture: Client Side”, 出自 Mitch Tulloch 編, Microsoft System Center: Software Update Management Field Experience, Redmond, Wash.: Microsoft Press, →ISBN頁號 19:
      For troubleshooting purposes, enable verbose logging for the WUA by following these steps: [...]






  1. verbose, adj. and adv.”,OED Online Paid subscription required,Oxford, Oxfordshire:Oxford University Press,September 2018年; “verbose, adj.”,LexicoDictionary.com; Oxford University Press,2019–present年.










  1. verboso陰性複數






  1. verbōsus呼格陽性單數


  • verbose in Charlton T. Lewis & Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1879
  • verbose”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891年) An Elementary Latin Dictionary,New York:Harper & Brothers
  • verbose在Gaffiot, Félix (1934年) Dictionnaire illustré Latin-Français (拉丁語-法語詳解詞典),Hachette中的內容